5.10.19 -- rychlejší internet v apart STUDIO 150/10MB
20.10.19 -- rychlejší internet v apart STANDARD 300/20MB
1.4.19 -- apartmán se 2-ložnicemi NOVĚ
7.1.17 -- sleva při přímé rezervaci
25.6.16 -- transfer na/z letiště
1.12.16 -- jednodenní výlety pro naše zákazníky


u nás můžete platit kartou

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sleva při přímé rezervaci

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Hotel.cz – ocenění 2019


Guest review awards 2020

Guest review awards 2020

Copyright © 2016 ubytovanibrno.com. All Rights Reserved


Hodnocení hostů

  • Vše super, bez výhrad

    Kristyna, CZ — 6.2.20

    Vše skvělé. Krásný čistý byt. Přijemná majitelka, která s námi sdílela i užitečné tipy. Fajn lokalita. V bytě i něco málo k zahnání akutního hladu 🙂

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Erol, BG — 3.2.20
    + Bed was amazing, good coffee and plenty of snacks
    – Check in was too late and check out too early Check in 4 PM Check out 9 AM
    Booking.com     10 / 10
  • Волшебный Брно

    SERGII, UA — 17.1.20
    + Хозяйка (Ленка) выше всяких похвал. Встретила, устроила, все показала и рассказала о достопримечательностях (очень любит свой город и профессионально и заботливо подходит к своим клиентам. Замечательные апартаменты с парковкой в цоколе и лифтами. Весь центр с раритетами в пешей доступности.
    – Тостер бы точно не помешал. Совсем не уверен, что апартаменты соответствуют заявленным 50 кв. метрам, но это все равно замечательно! Спасибо большое!!
    Booking.com     10 / 10
  • WALTHER, CH — 18.12.19

    La rapidité de réponses de LENKA formidable réactivité , très professionnelle. Présentation de la ville de Brno avec plan , brochures détaillées pour visiter , se restaurer. Explications pour l’entrée et sortie du bâtiment ( neuf) .

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Mohsin, IN — 17.12.19

    The availability of basic food stuff was there at arrival. The cleanliness was of top level. And the host lenka is so supportive.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Superb

    GEORGIOS, NL — 8.12.19

    The apartment is really nice.Very clean and well organized. With a small charge it’s possible a private underground garage. The owner , Lenka, is polite, helpful and giving you a lot of information about your stay there. So, I strongly recommend this apartment for staying in Brno.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Martina, SK — 2.12.19

    Pristup pani Lenky super. Vyborna lokalita v centre klud . Všetko po ruke , reštauracie, pivo, pamiatky. Dostali sme sa hned na trhy vianocne.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Marek, CZ — 27.11.19

    Jediný problém složitější parkování

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Jiri, CZ — 19.11.19
    + Skvělá káva a dostatek volných potravin.
    – Málo sprchového gelu…
    Booking.com     9,6 / 10
  • Ben, PL — 11.11.19

    Very clean, everything well organized, owners are very nice people and very helpfull ( they have a lot of tips about Brno 🙂 )

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Josef, CZ — 10.11.19

    Vřele doporučuji toto ubytování.Byl sem mile překvapen milým uvítáním.Čistota byla úžasná a bylo nám i ukázáno vybavení kuchyně,kde se co nachází od hrnců počínaje po příbory konče.Dále velmi profesionální přístup ke klientům.A co se týká památek,tak by se nemusel za to stydět ani profesionální průvodce.Pro mě prostě super služby.Dále zde bylo k dispozici množství kapslí z kterých jste si mohli vybrat ať už kávu či něco jiného.Jinak zde byly i oplatky,perník či něco jiného.Dále jste zde měli na výběr různé druhy čajů.No prostě pro každého něco.Lupínky a litr mléka v lednici a mlíčka do kávy.V koupelně jste měli i pračku a žehlící prkno či stojan na sušení prádla a žehlička v kuchyni byla též.Prostě na co jste si vzpomněli jste měli.Více na fotografiích uvidíte.Lokalita je velmi tichá a je vzdáleno asi 600 metrů od centra města.Je zde hodně památek,které stojí za navštívení

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Wan Ling, TW — 10.11.19

    The space and decoration of the room is fantastic! The owner of apartment, Lenka, is very nice and gives me lots of city information. Highly recommended.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Martin, CZ — 26.10.19
    + Very nice and cozy apartment. Small, but actually much larger than a hotel room. Very well equipped kitchen, incl breakfast ingredients. Clean. Very friendly and helpful hosts.
    – Very slow, often non-functional WiFi.
    Booking.com     10 / 10
  • Great apartment in the city center, cozy and spacious, with a parking spot

    Dmitry, RU — 23.10.19
    + That’s a good deal in Brno. I will definitely stay there when I next time come to Brno; and I have been to Brno a million times, so, I know what I’m talking about. Very comfortable apartment, you’ve got all you need, and it is cozy and nice. The apartment is well situated, and there’s a comfortable garage in one or two minutes walk (this is a rare benefit in the city center, although it is also safe to park outside). The host is just great, very helpful and nice.
    –  Everything was great, nothing to complain. Don’t think twice, take it.
    Booking.com     9, 6 / 10
  • Fantastic accomodation

    Ivan, BG — 23.10.19

    Много модерен и стилен апартамент с всички удобства. Extremly clean appartment with modern design . Great place to stay in Brno!

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Pulizia impeccabile!

    FRANCESCA, IT — 19.10.19

    EEL Apartments dista 10 minuti dal centro

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Perfect apartment for a quiet breat

    alan, IE — 13.10.19
    + Central location close to all bus and rail network. Apartment came fully kitted out with all amenities needed including a washer drier. In addition the apartment manager met us personally and provided an overview of the city and its tourist attractions.
    – Nothing it was all perfect.
    Booking.com     10 / 10
  • anonim, JAP — 6.10.19


    Expedia     5 / 5

  • Fantastic stay

    Claire, GB — 4.10.19
    + The hosts Lenka and Paul are really lovely and very helpful. The apartment is only 4-5 minute walk to main square in Brno. Apartment well equipped. Will definitely book EEL apartments again. Thanks Lenka and Paul 😊
    – Nothing
    Booking.com     10 / 10
  • Marcin, PL — 29.9.19

    Samodzielne, nieduże, ale świetnie wyposażone i funkcjonalne mieszkanie w kilkuletnim bloku. Łatwe (dodatkowo płatne) parkowanie w garażu podziemnym pod blokiem. Przekazanie kluczy było zupełnie bezproblemowe (na 5-10 minut przed przyjazdem trzeba było zadzwonić do gospodyni i czekała ona przy wjeździe do garażu podziemnego). Gospodyni, Lenka, jest wspaniałą osobą, która po przyjeździe wszystko dokładnie objaśnia, a później służy pomocą. Jeśli znów będziemy kiedyś w Brnie, to najpewniej się tu zatrzymamy.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Marian, CZ — 24.9.19
    + Příjemný prostor, výborná poloha u centra, rozsáhlá výbava.
    – Širší sedačka u televize, aby se člověk mohl po náročném dni natáhnout u TV 🙂
    Booking.com     8,8 / 10
  • All-round excellence

    Andrea, NZ — 22.9.19
    + This is a wonderful apartment in an excellent location. It had everything we needed or could have needed, with extra nice touches. Lenka was very helpful in providing at the outset all the information we needed to live easily in the apartment and a good range of tourist information too.
    – Nothing
    Booking.com     10 / 10
  • xlenik, CZ — 22.9.19

    Pěkné vybavení, dostupná garáž.

    Booking.com     9,6 / 1

  • Robert, PL — 22.9.19

    Extremely helpful owner, close to the city center and really clean, new apartment. Highly recommended!

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Ein wirkliches Erlebnis in einer Wohnung als Gast zu wohnen

    Michael, AT — 19.9.19

    Im Apartment war alles was man als Normalverbraucher braucht vorhanden! Und sogar noch mehr (Frühstück,Müsli,Milch etc.)

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Решительно рекомендую!

    Svetlana, RO — 12.9.19
    + понравилось абсолютно все! и хозяйка и аппартаменты! расположение, чистота, комфорт! все продумано для длительного проживания! кофе превосходный! хозяйка – выше всяких похвал, дружелюбная, гостеприимная, рассказала о всех фишках города, предусмотрела перекус с дороги, даже помогла забролнировать экскурсию в Моравский карст – очень рекомендую. рекомендую всем! лучше чем в отел!
    – никаких отрицательных моментов!
    Booking.com     10 / 10
  • Flot lejlighed tæt på gamle by. Meget fin service

    Vibeke, DK — 6.9.19

    Super Lejlighed med meget fin service. Incl kaffe og morgenmadsprodukter. Mælk i køleskabet.

    Hotels.com     10 / 10

  • Спасибо! Вы сделали все, чтобы наш отдых был приятным

    LIDIYA, RU — 1.9.19
    + Большие удобные апартаменты со всем необходимым. Доброжелательные хозяева, Lenka постаралась объяснить и показать на карте все достопримечательности, удобный и короткий путь в Старый город. Отдельное спасибо за совет поесть в ресторане „Pegas“, действительно отличный ресторан. Апартаменты расположены рядом со Старым городом, вокзалом и торговым центром, в современном доме. В апартаментах хорошо оборудована кухня, есть кофе и для кофемашины, и растворимый, чай. В торговом центре большой супермаркет, не проблема купить что-то на завтрак. С ужином тоже нет проблем, в городе много кафе, при желании есть все возможности для самостоятельной готовки.
    – Это не зависит от хозяев апартаментов, но возвращаться вечером от торгового центра и вокзала было не очень приятно, так как в Брно не очень ярко освещены улицы, в городе довольно много бродяг, особенно около вокзала
    Booking.com     9,2 / 10
  • Andreas, DE — 31.8.19


    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • anonim, NL
    + locatie (vlakbij de stad maar zonder lawaai) – goede douche – vriendelijke ontvangst – balkon
    – weinig winkels / bakkerszaak o.i.d. in de buurt
    Booking.com     10 / 10
  • ANNAGIULIA, IT — 26.8.19

    Accoglienza eccezionale da parte di Lenka che ci ha amabilmente dato tutte le informazioni sulla città e le possibili attività da fare. Appartamento grande e comodo, a 5 minuti a piedi dal centro storico. Esperienza più che positiva.

    Booking.com      10 / 10

  • Ottima esperienza

    Gianni, IT — 21.8.19

    La cortesia e disponibilità di Lenka

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • E andato benissimo in un appartamento comodissimo a soli 5 minuti dal centro della vecchia citta.

    Zsuzsanna, HU — 21.8.19
    + L,appartamento era perfetto per una famiglia. La nostra padrona di casa ci ha fatto una breve introduzione alle curiosita della citta e abbiamo trovato tante informazioni utili nelle brochure che c’erano nell’appartamento.
    – Ci é piaciuto tutto.
    Booking.com     10 / 10
  • Motogp fans should definitely book this place 5 minutes walk to bus station free travel

    Kevin, AU — 12.8.19

    Exceptional owners great facilities and plenty of goods to set your stay up. Great advice on timetables ,shops restaurants short cuts.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Top ontvangst, goede locatie en praktisch appartement

    Lente, NL — 11.8.19
    + Goede locatie Perfecte gastvrouw (Lenka) Koffie, thee, ontbijt was in ruime mate aanwezig Parkeerplaats in garage
    – Lelijk uitzicht Badkamer warm
    Booking.com     9,6 / 10
  • Patrizia, IT — 9.8.19

    Sehr schoene kleine Wohnung. Es hat nicht gefehlt. Prima Lage nah der Altstadt. Gastgeberin sehr freundllich. Hat viele Tips gegeben. Garage buchbar!

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Fantastic!

    Sara, GB — 6.8.19

    Lenka and Paul were fantastic hosts, I cannot say enough positive things about them! Lenka was in contact prior to our stay and responded very quickly to any questions. Paul collected us from Vienna airport and was friendly and chatty on the journey, pointing out places of interest and local information. The apartment was brand new and very clean. Plenty of room for 3 of us. Some lovely personal touches made the experience superb – coffee, milk, tea, water and a bottle of wine for when we arrived! There was also breakfast cereal and chocolates. The apartment is close to town and to Mendel Square where we went to get the bus for the Moto GP. The apartment is great and Paul and Lenka are perfect hosts!

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Perfekte Unterkunft mit liebenswerten Gastgebern in einer interessanten Stadt.

    Hubert, DE — 29.7.19

    Zentral gelegen, Altstadt bequem zu Fuß erreichbar. Umfangreiches Info-Material vorhanden..

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Galina, RU — 18.7.19

    Прекрасные условия, чистота, уют, все есть. Просто замечательная хозяйка: все объяснила. Показала, рассказала- максимальный комфорт, лучшее, что было в Чехии

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Spokojnosť s ubytovaním

    Juraj, 17.7.19
    + Predovšetkým prístup ubytovatelky hneď z úvodu (vysvetlenie a oboznámenie so základnými skutočnosťami-apartman,Brno a okolie a pod.)
    – Iba udalosť,za ktorú nemôže ubytovatel (hluk súvisiaci s opravou blízkej komunikácie)
    Booking.com     10 / 10
  • Отлично!

    Galina, RU — 15.7.19
    + Хозяева, супружеская пара, несмотря на более ранний приезд, подготовили апартаменты, где были и круассаны и капсюльная кофемашина. Чисто, оплату приняли картой. Вид из окна, конечно, никакой, но это было не важно для нас. Центр, весь транспорт рядом. Очень хорошо, не стыдно порекомендовать для спокойного, качественного, безпафосного отдыха.
    – Все хорошо.
    Booking.com     9,6 / 10
  • Kodinomainen, siisti majoitus leppoisassa Brnossa

    Hippipunkkari, FI — 14.7.19
    + Huoneisto on erittäin tilava ja puhdas. Kylpyhuoneessa oli amme ja kylpytuotteita. Portaikko ja hissi olivat myös hyvin siistejä. Asunto sijaitsee rauhallisella alueella vanhankaupungin kupeessa. Sisäänkirjautuessamme saimme paljon vinkkejä alueen matkailuun. Tulimme Brnoon ”rahoittumaan” Prahan jälkeen, joten emme jaksaneet kauemmaksi lähteä. Alueella olisi paljon nähtävää ja Brnossa on ihana pikkukaupungin meininki. Voisin hyvin tulla uudestaan!
    – Näkymä parvekkeelta oli rähjäiselle sisäpihalle, mutta eipä siellä tullut aikaa vietettyäkään.
    Booking.com     9,6 / 10
  • Perfect flat

    Yevgen , RU — 15.7.19

    The flat is spotless and has everything you need, the location is 10 min to both city center and the station, the owner is extremely helpful and welcoming. Would definitely recommend.

    Hotels.com     10 / 10

  • Cheap apartment on wrong side of tracks, but very close to the right side.

    Jeffrey, IT — 10.7.19
    + Location, cleanliness, hosts, and price.
    – Nothing important.
    Booking.com      10 / 10
  • Amanda, — 6.7.19

    Excellent apartment and Lenka is the perfect host. We booked airport transfers with Lenka and her partner Paul was waiting for us with bottled water which was appreciated as it was 34oc when we landed. The apartment is very spacious and well equipt and we were very grateful for the air conditioning as several of the days it was 35oc. Lenka has thought of everything from coffee machine, to iron and washing machine if you are planning a longer stay. The breakfast items and milk were a nice touch and saved us having to dash straight to the supermarket. Lenka gave us a detailed tour of the apartment on arrival and useful information on transport and sightsighting in Brno. The town centre, train station and bus station are no more than 10 mins walk away. I would certainly recommend this accomodation and we plan to return. Thank you Lenka and Paul.

    Expedia     5 / 5

  • Timur, RU — 3.7.19

    Комфортные и чистые апартаменты в 5 минутах ходьбы от центра

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Lea, AT — 2.7.19

    – der ausblick vom fenster und dass das zimmer nicht finster wird

    Booking.com     9,2 / 10

  • Pleasant stay in EEl aparment when visiting relatives and friends in Brno

    Darek, AU — 26.6.19
    + The host, Lenka, was very helpful. The apartment was clean, comfortable, quiet and a good size with a lot of sun light, which could be easily blocked, if you did not want it.. Air con efficient for a whole apartment. Location was excellent, close to public transport, main railway station and the centre of the city. We stayed 10 nights and would stay again if in Brno.
    – Nothing to dislike.
    Booking.com     10 / 10
  • Zuzana, SK — 24.6.19
    + Majitelka, pani Lenka je velmi flexibilna a ustretova, velmi profesionalny pristup. Vyborna a rychla komunikacia pocas celeho priebehu ubytovania, pred prichodom, samotne ubytovanie. Lokalita je vyborna, vsade blizko, lahka dostupnost kdekolvek. Male pohotovostne obcerstvenie/ranajky k dispozicii , kava , cerealie, mlieko priamo v apartmane. Pri opatovnej navsteve Brna by sme urcite volili opat toto ubytovanie.
    – Nic podstatne
    Booking.com     9, 2 / 10
  • Ubytování „jako doma“

    Jiri, CZ — 18.6.19

    Přátelský, osobní přístup majitelky + Komfort a čistota apartmánu + Poloha ubytování blízko centra

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Super Unterkunft, sehr nette und persönliche Gastgeber!!!

    Andreas, AT — 18.6.19

    Booking.com     9,6 / 10

  • GRIGORI, IL — 17.6.19
    + Квартира удобная и чистая, есть всё,что нужно для проживания. Хозяйка Ленка очень приятная и заботливая.
    – Под окнами с утра начинались шумные дорожно-ремонтные работы.Правда , вечером и ночью было тихо. Кроме того, очень жаль, что не было ни одного телеканала на русском языке.
    Booking.com     9,0 / 10
  • The Best of Brno

    Allegra, — 16.6.19

    This was absolutely perfect. The hosts, Lenka and Paul were amazing and helpful (great English). The apartment was sparkling clean. It had a washer (no dryer). Location was only a few minutes to main train station, tram lines and city center but far enough away to be quiet. They offered a pick up service which was in a nice van and timely. When we left, Lenka gave us suggestions for where to go next. The apartment had everything we needed and more. I would 100% recommend this place. I didn’t take any photos but it was better in person than the listing shows.

    Hotels.com     10 / 10

  • Comfortsble Apartment, fair price, good location, very nice owners

    Björn, DE — 8.6.19
    + Very New and clean and spacious Apartment. Well equipped. Check in was easy and uncomplicated. Kirchen provided for free some basic food which is enough for a small breakfast. Owners are extremely nice and warm hearted. Apartment is located in quiet but central area. To walk downtown is about 5 to 10 min. I used the shuttle pick up from Vienna airport offered by apartment owners. Drive Was Comfortsble, fast and enjoyed talking to the friendly drive. I would definitely recommend this apartment for a Visite of beautiful Brno.
    – All perfect. Really.
    Booking.com     10 / 10
  • A perfect stay in a modern, comfortable apartment.

    Małgorzata, PL — 7.6.19

    Great host. Very friendly, attentive and helpful. Very comfortable beds. Very comfortable and well equipped bathroom. Well equipped kitchen with complimentary tea and coffee. Super clean.

    Booking.com     9,6 / 10

  • Ricardo, IT — 4.6.19

    Excellent service. The apartment is a few minutes from downtown. Lenka and Paul are great hosts. Highly recommended!

    Expedia     5 / 5

  • Excellent. Would highly recommend

    Lesley, UK — 2.6.19
    + Even though was a self catered apartment the owner had very kindly got milk coffee andcerealsfor breakfast. A very thoughtful addition, at no extra cost, when our flight got us in later in the evening.
    – Nothing
    Booking.com     10 / 10
  • Excelente,es poco decir…Recomendable!!

    Susana, UY — 28.5.19
    + TODO,El apto es precioso,amplio,comodo,Super limpio.con todo lo necesario para una estancia perfecta. El detalle de dejarnos ,cafe,agua ,jugo,,galletitas,etc,para el desayuno . Explicarnos todo sobre la ciudad,recomendarnos lugares, donde comer,etc.y estar a disposicion…. VERDADERAMENTE EXCELENTE!!!!!!El mejor de los 8 o 9 hospedajes que utilizamos en este viaje.
    – Todo fue perfecto…
    Booking     10 / 10
  • Doporučujeme všemi 10 :)

    Jana, CZ — 25.5.19
    + Vše bylo super, rychlá domluva, jednoduché předání klíčů a vyřízení platby. Všude hezky čisto, ubytování moc hezké, v dobré lokalitě. Pravděpodobně lepší, než klasické hotely, člověk se víc cítí jako doma. Kolem domu klid, tak se i dobře spalo.
    – Nic mne nenapadá.
    Booking.com     10 / 10
  • Great stay!

    MARIA, RO — 22.5.19

    The studio is comfy, very clean and modern, and the services are very good quality. The host provided snacks, coffee, cereals, milk for breakfast. Lenka and Paul are such wondeful and carring hosts, ready to help you anytime is needed.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Vasim, AU — 21.5.19

    Excellent rooms, very clean and very friendly

    Hotels.com     10 / 10

  • Esperanza, — 16.5.19

    Highly recommended! Very clean , accessible everywhere! able to cook and wash your clothes.very spacious. Definitely coming back.

    Expedia.com    5 / 5

  • Olga, RU — 13.5.19

    + Апартаменты комфортные и чистые. Хозяйка приятная и очень старается во всем помочь. Приятно то что есть кофе машина и кофе и кое какая еда на завтрак. Расположения хорошее, пешком легко доходишь в цент, а там много достопримечательностей и кафе.

    – Мне не повезло наверное, но вечером пропал сигнал интернета.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • anonim, RU — 12.5.19

    Все было просто отлично. Хозяйка великолепна. Интернет только слабый

    Hotels.com     10 / 10


  • Lovely apartment, close to city, just perfect and would definitely return

    Richard, UK — 12.5.19

    Lenka was a great host, very helpful and always offering advice on where to go and booked taxis for us. Apartment was lovely, had an excellent stay and would definitely return.

    Booking.com      10 / 10

  • jederzeitnwieder,auch für länger

    Dorothea, DE — 12.5.19


    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Центр города, отличный чистый номер, Заботливая, вежливая хозяйка.

    Olga, RU — 10.5.19

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Well-equipped and clean

    Mary, CHE — 3.5.19

    Lenka is a very friendly and helpful host. She spent the time on explaining everything about Brno to me. Her place is spacious and functional. The sofa is one of the most comfortable ones I have sat on! I was able to cook 2 meals due to dietary restriction–it was easy to do so. In addition, the apartment was quiet.

    Hotels.com     10 / 10

  • Great option in Brno

    Lluc, NL — 3.5.19
    + Very good place, comfortable, ample and with a lot of space.
    – The floor was not clean. Also we prefer blinds that allow for full darkness in the rooms.
    Booking.com     9,2 / 10
  • I wanna buy and live in this appartment :D

    Tibor, HU — 30.4.19

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Pavel , CZ — 29.4.19

    Ideální lokalita. Vstřícný přístup!

    Booking.com     9,6 / 10

  • Nick, US — 28.4.19

    The real value of the apartment (aside from general comfort) was the wealth of information about Brno and its surrounding area that is provided. A whole binder of brochures and booklets providing info on things to do and places to visit.

    Booking.com    9,6 / 10

  • Ekaterina, RU — 22.4.19
    + Мы с мужем провели в Брно 3 дня. Приехали на авто. Нам все понравилось. По нашему мнению, недостатков у этого варианта размещения нет. Если бы было можно поставить оценку больше десяти, то мы бы поставили. Дом, в котором расположены апартаменты, современный и новый. Гараж находится в подземном этаже этого же дома. Наша машина была оставлена в подземном паркинге и находилась в безопасности. Апартаменты чистые, новые и удобные. Оптимальные цена и качество. В апартаментах есть все необходимое и достаточное для проживания. Мы с мужем – любители хорошего кофе. Что может быть лучше кофе Неспрессо? В апартаментах есть прекрасная кофемашина и капсулы Неспрессо. Кровать большая и удобная. Очень чисто. Все продумано и очень уютно. В ванной есть принадлежности для мытья. Местоположение шикарное! Плюс ко всему, город Брно нам очень понравился! Супер!!!!! Спасибо Ленке за гостеприимство !!!
    – Нет такого)))
    Booking.com     10 / 10
  • Eleni, Greece — 12.4.19

    The flat is great. Really clean and really well equipped. The street is quite, yet just 5 minutes away from the main streets of Brno and 10-15 minutes from the train station. Lenka is super helpful and nice. She provided us with a map and suggest us where to eat etc. In the flat there is a big folder with maps and many leaflets for everything you may in need in Brno, such as wine and beer guide. Totally recommend!

    airBNB     5 / 5

  • Everything about this place is awesomely user-friendly :-)

    Jana, CZ — 12.4.19
    + Great apartment, I’m not going to repeat what you can read in all the positive comments, I just approve them! Excellent communication and client oriented approach. Perfect staying, I had troubles to leave, the bed is really comfy, good coffee helped me though, everything was nice, very clean and worked properly. And I fell in love with the smell of shower gel + body lotion you got there.
    – Workers repairing the street from 8 o’clock in the morning (don’t get me wrong, I know the accommodation provider cannot influence that, it just surprised me how much effort they put into performing their job since I’m from Czech Republic and it’s pretty rare to see these guys so active).
    Booking.com     10 / 10
  • Fabulous

    Marco, UK — 2.4.19

    Nice breakfast snacks provided

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Príjemné ubytovanie

    Radka, SK — 29.3.19
    + Od komunikácie s ubytovateľkou, cez vybavenie apartmánu, lokality bolo všetko skvelé.
    – Nezaevidovali sme žiadne nedostatky.
    Booking.com     10 / 10
  • Prefect accomodation for a perfect trip

    anonim, — 29.3.19

    Everything was just perfect. Very kind and helpful host, nice and quiet surrounding. Close to anything.

    Hotels.com     10 / 10

  • Nice apartment near city centrum.

    Adam, PL — 24.3.19

    Good apartment with all what you need. Comfortable stay. Additional possible park at garage. Very nice and helpful owner Lenka 🙂 One small minus – a little cold at evening, when weather automatic closing heating.

    Hotels.com     10 / 10

  • Skvělé po všech stránkách – jak vybavením, ochotou provozovatelky, tak blízkostí centru.

    Ludmila, CZ — 23.3.19
    + Vyhovovalo mi, že ke snídani jsou nachystány cereálie a že si ubytovaný může sám uvařit čaj, případně i výbornou kávu Nespresso. Lednička je samozřejmě k dispozici. Přestože je ubytování blízko městského centra, je v klidné ulici.
    – Nemám, co bych vytkla.
    Booking.com     10 / 10
  • Ilona, DE — 12.3.19

    Moderni, ciste, utulne.Velika spokojenost!

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Great!!

    Suin, Korea — 4.3.19

    + 일단 호스트 렌까가 정말 정말 친절해요. 숙소 앞에서 기다려서 데리고 들어가주고, 브르노 구경 책자를 파일로 모아서 하나하나 소개해주더군요. 과자들, 뮤즐리, 우유 등도 챙겨주고 캡슐커피머신, 식기구, 세탁기 등등 정말 깨끗하게 잘 갖춰져있어요. 지내기에 모자람 없었습니다. 위치도 중앙역 근처입니다. First of all, Lenka was so kind. Location is great, not so much far from the central train station. I really enjoyed staying here. If I go back to Brno, I will stay here again.

    – -숙소 찾기가 좀 힘들었어요. 또 주택가라서 마트가 바로 코앞에 있지는 않은 게 아쉬웠습니다. 그럼에도 집이랑 렌까가 넘 좋아서 또 갈 거예요!

    Booking.com     9,6 / 10

  • Runa, Island — 25.2.19

    Lenka is an exilent host and very helpful

    airBNB     5 / 5

  • Lucie, CZ — 25.2.19

    Skvělá lokalita, tiché místo, kousek od centra i nádraží, byt velmi dobře vybaven. Určitě doporučujeme.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Jan, CZ — 21.2.19

    Perfektní komunikace s paní majitelkou, klidná tichá lokalita, velké množství čaje a kávy k dispozici + nějaký drobný snack.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • We will come again!

    Florian, DE — 16.2.19
    The owner was really polite and helpful. She showed us all the sightseeing’s we should visit on a map and took her time to explain the apartment. Really modern apartment in a central location. Super clean, bright and warm.
    Booking.com     10 / 10
  • Lovely stay!

    Alina, RO — 13.2.19
    + Nice studio, very clean, close to city cente with an equiped kitchen and comfy bed. Lenka is a nice host. It seems to cares about her customers and that is shown in the good quality of the accommodation that she offers.
    – The only thing that could disturb is the noise of the fridge if you have a light sleep.
    Booking.com     10 / 10
  • Jan, CZ — 5.8.18

    Pár minut chůze od centra i vlakového nádraží, čistý malý apartmán v novostavbě, s velmi vstřícnou majitelkou, plným servisem a mnoha příjemnými drobnostmi – připravené drobné občerstvení, v lednici vychlazené mléko a v mrazáku led (v době naší návštěvy bylo přes 30 stupňů), široká nabídla kapslí Nespresso, k tomu možnost uložit si zavazadla před ubytováním i po jeho skončení. Snad jen ochlazovač vzduchu nám chyběl, při teplotách přes 23 stupňů v noci ventilátor ani otevřená okna moc nezachrání.

    Google     5 / 5

  • Adela, CZ — 10.2.19
    + Nemohu nic vytknout, skvele! 🙂
    – Nic
    Booking.com     10 / 10
  • The best possible location in brno – right next to the Petrov church but very quiet.

    Aneta, CZ — 6.2.19

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Anna, RU — 8.1.19
    + Современные апартаменты, мебель и техника новые, просторный душ. Вообще все сделано со вкусом и очень удобно. Есть подземный паркинг в здании за очень умеренную плату. До основных достопримечательностей старого города легко добраться пешком. Мы остались полностью довольны и будем рекомендовать знакомым.
    – Ничего, все отлично
    Booking.com     9, 6 / 10
  • Андрей, RU — 6.1.19
    + 1.Приветливая хозяйка, рассказала обо всем: условиях проживания и достопримечательностях города, дала полезные советы. 2.Отлично оборудованы все помещения 3.Есть все что нужно( как дома-молоко и сливки в холодильник,кофе, чай, и даже легкий завтрак завтрак:)) 4. Очень чисто 5. Все новое и в отличном состоянии:белье, полотенца, мебель. 6 Утюг и стиральная машина Рекомендую всем хорошим людям для бронирования.
    – нет такого
    Booking.com     10 / 10
  • Staying with friends. Great apartments.

    Anita, HU — 2.1.19
    + It was clean, nice , comfortable, and wide for 3-4 people. The kitchen is well equipped: plates, glasses, pan, dishes, coffee maker + coffee capsules, sweets , biscuits and some spices were also available ! Lenka was really kind , helpful and flexible with the arriving and leaving. Thanks for the staying!
    – there was no negative point.
    Booking.com     10 / 10
  • Zuzana, CZ — 17.12.18

    Vynikajici komunikace, vstricnost Ubytovani ciste, skvele vybavene Lokalita

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Mohsin, Indie — 17.12.18

    The availability of basic food stuff was there at arrival. The cleanliness was of top level. And the host lenka is so supportive.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Oksana, PL — 6.12.18

    Communication, location, coffee, all sorts of kitchen and bathroom equipment. Felt like home, sorry could not stay longer. Thank you, Lenka.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Super všetko, príjemná pani ubytujúca Lenka, ochotne všetko vysvetlila

    Michaela, SK — 3.12.18
    + Všetko čisté, super, kávička vynikajúca..
    – Nič
    Booking.com     10 / 10
  • Alles OK ,Komme gerne wieder

    Buch, AT — 2.12.18

    Nähe Banhof

    Booking.com     10 /10

  • Boli sme veľmi spokojní.

    Andrej, SK — 29.11.18

    Opäť sme sa po par mesiacoch vrátili do ubytovania a znovu to bolo super. Čistota, prístup majiteľky parkovanie a poloha. Samozrejme nám majiteľka opäť povedala čo je nové pre nás k videniu v danom mesiaci v Brne čo by sme ďalšie mohli vidieť samozrejme že sme dali na jej rady a neľutujeme. Ubytovanie určite odporúčame a rozhodne sa čoskoro znovu vrátime.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • I have stayed twice and both apartments are excellent. Lenka is an excellent host. Will stay again.

    Paul, AT — 28.11.18

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Jiri, CZ — 19.11.18
    + Skvělá káva a dostatek volných potravin.
    – Málo sprchového gelu…
    Booking.com     9,6 / 10
  • Kényelmes, ízléses, tiszta, modern.

    Ferenc Szűcs, HU — 18.11.18

    A szállás modern, kényelmes, kitűnően felszerelt, kiváló helyen található, kb 5 perc sétára az óvárostól. A szállásadó hölgy végtelenül kedves és rugalmas, helyi látnivalókról és programokról rendkívül részletes tájékoztatást kaptunk térképpel együtt, nagyon kellemes meglepetés volt ez a gesztus. Nyugodt szívvel és bátran ajánlom mindenkinek, ha legközelebb erre járunk, nem is kérdés, hogy nála érdeklődöm szállás után először.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Rozhodně mohu doporučit

    Denisa, CZ — 14.11.18
    + Výborná hostitelka – ta byla úplně skvělá, velmi dobrá poloha v těsné blízkosti města, čisté moderní prostředí. Čistá a velmi moderní koupelna s voňavou kosmetikou. Vše funkční a prostředí jako byste byli ve vlastním bytě – leckdo ocení kuchyň a její vybavení.
    – Vlastně asi nic. Všechno bylo velmi dobré až vynikající.Možná jediné mě napadá – tím, že to není klasický hotel, může někomu chybět ranní servis a snídaně, resp. tu si musíte zařídit sami nebo někam na snídani zajít. Ale to už k tomuto typu ubytování patří, takže to ani není nedostatek.
    Booking.com     9,2 / 10
  • Однозначно хочется вернуться)))

    Nataly, RU — 11.11.18

    + Идеальный вариант размещения в Брно. Полностью продуманные удобства в апартаментах, включая каждую мелочь, и отличное месторасположение, – в тихом месте, но в 3-10 минутах ходьбы от самого центра города, остановок внутригородских и международных, вокзала. Хозяйка замечательная, сразу отвечает на письма, встретила, полностью рассказала все об апартаментах и Брно. Отметила интересные места на карте, которую подарила нам. В апартаментах тепло, удобная кровать, подушки, теплые одеяла. В ванной комнате был полный набор: шампунь, гель для душа, молочко после душа, жидкое мыло. Сухие завтраки, чай, кофе растворимый и капсульный, молоко, – не нужно сразу искать магазин (хотя они тоже совсем рядом). Если поедем еще раз в Брно, то только туда. Спасибо Ленке!

    – Немного слабоват wi-fi.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Gemütliches Apartment

    Vanessa, DE — 5.11.18

    Kleine Snacks sowie Kaffee, Tee und Kochmöglichkeit vorhanden. Bis zum Zentrum waren es nur ein paar Gehminuten. Werden definitiv wiederkommen und dieses Apartment buchen 🙂

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • מעולה אם אתם לא קמים מאוחר

    Nir, Izrael — 1.11.18

    דירה מרוהטת מאובזרת הכל תקין ועובד מצויין נכנס המון אור בבוקר למי שמפריע

    Hotels.com     8 / 10

    naše odpověď:

    Hello Thank you very much for your stay in our apartment. In first part of January interior blinds will be installed in all bedrooms (aparts with balcony). Good luck!

  • Carrie, NL — 29.10.18
    + Fijn goed bed, rustige omgeving. Ideaal gelegen dicht bij het centrum.
    – Geen fris vadoekje in de keuken en een beetje te veel licht in de slaapkamer door de doorschijnende lamellen.
    Booking.com     9,6 / 10
  • Kripa, IN — 27.10.18

    The apartment is very close to the main station and Lenka was extremely helpful. She took care of the tiniest requirements. Allowed us an early checkin and luggage storage room was provided after checkout. She also stocked the room with light breakfast so you dont have to go down for breaksfast as well. Will come back again!

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • anonim, CZ — 26.10.18

    + Hezký apartmán a výborná dostupnost do města

    – Nemohu nic vytknout

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • 매우 만족

    SUJEONG, KR — 25.10.18

    도보로 이용 가능한 브르노에서 숙소 위치도 적당했고 숙소가 매우 깔끔하고 편리했다. 그리고 우리를 위한 세심한 배려가 느껴져 감사했다.

    Hotels.com     5 / 5

  • Great apartment in the city center, cozy and spacious, with a parking spot

    Dmitry, Russia — 23.10.18

    + That’s a good deal in Brno. I will definitely stay there when I next time come to Brno; and I have been to Brno a million times, so, I know what I’m talking about. Very comfortable apartment, you’ve got all you need, and it is cozy and nice. The apartment is well situated, and there’s a comfortable garage in one or two minutes walk (this is a rare benefit in the city center, although it is also safe to park outside). The host is just great, very helpful and nice.

    – Everything was great, nothing to complain. Don’t think twice, take it.

    Booking.com     9,6 / 10

  • Fantastic accomodation

    Ivan, BG — 23.10.18

    Много модерен и стилен апартамент с всички удобства. Extremly clean appartment with modern design . Great place to stay in Brno!

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Pavlina, CZ — 18.10.18

    Naprosto výjimečné – apartmán byl čistý, útulný, vybavený. Vyzdvihla bych nejpohodlnější postel ze všech ubytování, čisté a voňavé povlečení a čistotu vůbec. Majitelé pro nás připravili zásobu mléka, kávy, čaje a občerstvení do začátku, což bylo milé. Děkuji za ochotu majitelů a skvělou domluvu. Ať se daří a máte vždy plno. PL

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Perfect apartment for a quiet breat

    Alan, IE — 13.8.18

    + Central location close to all bus and rail network. Apartment came fully kitted out with all amenities needed including a washer drier. In addition the apartment manager met us personally and provided an overview of the city and its tourist attractions.

    -Nothing it was all perfect.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Lenka, CZ — 8.10.18

    + S ubytováním a komunikací s pí Lenkou jsme byli max. spokojeni a doporučujeme všem.

    – Není co vytknout.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Nice new appartment, but I do not book again.

    Jes, DK — 6.10.18

    I will in the future only book appartments when it is really needed. So many different issues. The appartment owner are very kind, but I book a 3 person appartment, but when I was comming alone, all extra bed linnen and towels were removed. So, it seemed empty and cold. I always book double rooms to have plenty if towels etc. 1 small and one bigger, with no change, for a business trip like this is not enough. The owner was kind, there was milk and breakfast, but, it is not acomendation for me in the future. It might appeal to holiday visitors.

    Hotels.com     3 / 5


    Dear J. I feel very sorry our apartment didn’t meet your expectations. Yes, it’s true your apartment which you booked was for 3 persons but your reservation was for 1 person so we prepared all for only one. I’m afraid we usually dont change towels during 2 days stay (only on request). We try to approach the environment and change towels and mat one per 3-4days. We don’t offer breakfast in our apartments. But our customers find in apart something small for first moment (cereals, ginger bread and biscuits, coffee and tea). I wish you good luck!

  • Kateřina, ES — 1.10.18

    Vše byl v naprostém pořádku. Úžasný personál a přístup k hostům. Hostitelka nám doporučila kde se nejlépe najíst, kam zajít do baru, hospody… Také nám poskytla potřebné informace o památkách a historickém centru. !!! Malá snídaně v ceně !!! 🙂

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Remek ár-érték arány, még lakni is jó lenne itt

    Zsuzsanna, HU — 1.10.2017

    + Nagyon szép, igényes szállásunk volt, fullosan felszerelt. Direkt olyat kerestem, amiben van hűtő, mikró is, mert előre főztem és azt vittük magunkkal. Itt még egy Nespresso kávéfőző is volt, kapszulákkal. Szuper helyen volt, egy új építésű lakóházban, nyugis környéken, a belváros kb 5 perc volt onnan gyalog, a vasútállomás is 10 perc alatt elérhető. A szállásadó nagyon kedves és készséges volt, kicsekkolás után megengedte, hogy otthagyjuk a bőröndünket egy zárt helyiségben, amíg a városban mászkáltunk.

    – Nem nagyon volt ilyen, egyedül annyi, hogy a hálóban lehetne más redőnyt használni, hogy sötétebb legyen.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • anonim, SK — zari 2018

    Všetko bolo perfektné, strávila som tam dve noci, skvelá lokalita, veľmi ochotná majiteľka, nemala problém priubytovať kamarátku aj ked sme to potrebovali na poslednú chvílu, este o 21:30 nám bola ochotná priniest periny. Určite sa sem rada vrátim

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Great stay you shall never miss!!

    Karin, TW — 26.9.18

    + Lenka is a great host. We have warm welcome and have a lot of nice suggestions at the first begining. Everything we need is just well prepared, and the apartment is super super clean. It’s just like home,and far beyong our expectation. Sincerely recommend!!

    – Nothing

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • anonim, — 25.9.18

    + Prístup prenajímateľa a skvele rady a typy na zaujímave miesta v lokalite, prívetivosť a jednoduchosť odchodu, možnosť raňajok a výbery kávy priamo na byte bez ďalších poplatkov!!!! Prijemne prostredie a veľmi blízko do centra, boli sme veľmi spokojní

    – Možno vyššie vankúše ale inak postele boli super

    Booking.com    10 / 10

  • Marian, CZ — 24.9.18

    + Příjemný prostor, výborná poloha u centra, rozsáhlá výbava.

    – Širší sedačka u televize, aby se člověk mohl po náročném dni natáhnout u TV 🙂

    Booking.com     8,8 / 10

  • Great stay!

    Birmania, ES — 23.9.18

    Quite location very clean and comfortable.

    Booking.com     9,6 / 10

  • Suzanne, NZ — 22.9.18

    + Spacious, comfortable apartment. Conveniently located close to the train station and to the town centre. Friendly, helpful host with lots of suggestions of places to visit. Would certainly stay again if we return to Brno.

    – Nothing.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Brno traveller

    Ryam, MEX — 23.9.2017

    My apartment was a studio, it always seemed that wherever I looked some thought had been into an additional design touch. I arrived earlier than expected and they were perfectly accomodating. Free snacks and an equipped kitchen awaited me. I was offered advice for the area and things to do around Brno which was over the top nice! It was only a short 5 minute walk and I was amongst the people, restaurants and shops. It’s about a 10 min or less walk from the train station.

    Hotels     4 / 5

  • Ein wirkliches Erlebnis in einer Wohnung als Gast zu wohnen

    Michael, Austria — 19.9.18

    Im Apartment war alles was man als Normalverbraucher braucht vorhanden! Und sogar noch mehr (Frühstück,Müsli,Milch etc.)

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Wir waren mit diesem Apartment sehr zufrieden!

    Erwin, Austria — 17.9.18

    Sehr freundliche und hilfsbereite Gastgeberin, Perfekt sauberes und gut eingerichtetes Apartment – auch für längeren Aufenthalt gut geeignet, Küche ist gut eingerichtet, für kleines Frühstück ist gesorgt – Nespresso Kaffee, Tee, Kekse, Milch, etc., Praktische und bequeme Garage im Haus. Sehr gute Lage.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Tereza, CZ — 16.9.18

    Příjemné ubytovaní s příjemnou paní domácí. Skvělá lokace, všude kousek.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Ottima posizione

    Piero, IT — 16.9.18

    + La posizione, il garage nello stesso palazzo, l’attrezzatura della casa completa e il terrazzino. Ottima posizione al confine con il centro pedonale per chi ha un’auto. Grande disponibilità e gentilezza di Lenka sempre pronta a risolvere qualunque problema.

    – Nulla

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • anonim, — 15.9.18

    Location, excellent landlords, great apartment stay

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Решительно рекомендую!

    Svetla, RO — 12.9.18

    +понравилось абсолютно все! и хозяйка и аппартаменты! расположение, чистота, комфорт! все продумано для длительного проживания! кофе превосходный! хозяйка – выше всяких похвал, дружелюбная, гостеприимная, рассказала о всех фишках города, предусмотрела перекус с дороги, даже помогла забролнировать экскурсию в Моравский карст – очень рекомендую. рекомендую всем! лучше чем в отел!

    – никаких отрицательных моментов!

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • I will be back ;)

    Peter, NL — 9.9.18

    Super clean and modern apartment, well equipped and nicely located in the center of Brno. We also liked the private parking space. Lenka is a super friendly host with lots of tips and recommendations!

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Fabulous Stay. Highly Recommended :)

    Manikandan, GB — 8.9.18

    + Apartment was fantastic n we felt it was luxurious. Lenka was amazing. Very friendly and warm. She went extra mile in bringing umbrellas to train station around mid night in pouring rain to pick us up as our flightwas diverted to Prague. She was very thougful and sweet. I certainly recommend this play.

    – Nothing really.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Very nice

    anonim, — zari 2018

    + Location: between train station and old town (10 min each) New building. Clean and spacious room Comfortable bed

    – Nothing

    Booking.com     9,6 / 10

  • Ottima esperienza

    Gianni, IT — 21.8.18

    La cortesia e disponibilità di Lenka

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Spacious well-equipped apartment in quiet but very central location.

    Lynda, ES — 20.8.18

    + Perfect location, near the station and also the historic centre and castle. Spacious and very well equipped. The balcony was nice after a day’s sightseeing. Everything you need, whether a short or longer stay. They even provide coffee & milk, cereals and cakes for breakfast! Very quick communication with the host.

    – Nothing, it was perfect for us.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Diana, Rusko — 18.8.18

    Очень гостеприимная хозяйка. Всё показала и рассказала об апартаментах и о Брно. Что посмотреть и куда съездить. Апартаменты новые. Есть всё что нужно. И для готовки ( капсульная кофемашина, печенюшки, различные мюсли, сахар, соль, молоко)и в ванной комнате(шампунь, гель для душа, лосьон для тела). Очень уютная квартира. Близко к центру города. Подземный гараж.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • A great apartment,10 minutes walk from main bus station .10 minutes walk up hill to the city

    Tina, GB — 17.8.18

    +Lenka was a great host. The balcony was a lovely space to enjoy a glass of wine in the evening.

    – Nothing about the apartment .

    Booking.com     9,6 / 10

  • super

    Alena, CZ — 16.8.18

    Perfektní ubytování, provozovatel velmi příjemný, vše v naprostém pořádku.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Great

    anonim, — 14.8.18

    Comfortable, near city centre

    Hotels.com     5 / 5

  • Ioannis, Recko — 13.8.18

    Το διαμέρισμα είχε τα πάντα.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Top ontvangst, goede locatie en praktisch appartement

    Lente, NL — 11.8.18

    + Goede locatie Perfecte gastvrouw (Lenka) Koffie, thee, ontbijt was in ruime mate aanwezig Parkeerplaats in garage

    – Lelijk uitzicht Badkamer warm

    Booking.com     9,6 / 10

  • sehr gutes und zentrales Apartment

    Ella, DE — 10.8.18

    Sehr freundliche und hilfsbereite Vermieterin, sehr, sehr sauber, sehr zentrale Lage, Ausstattung: außergewöhnlich gut, alles vorhanden, was man in einem Apartment benötigt.

    Expedia     5 / 5

  • Peggy, US — 9.8.18

    This property was perfect for our trip to Brno. Lenka is the property manager and she went above and beyond to ensure our comfort. She was exceptionally knowledgeable about Brno, as well as the event we were in town for. She made everything easy. The space itself is fantastic, plenty of room, well appointed furniture, comfy bed, and great balcony space. We loved it!

    Expedia     5 / 5

  • agnese, IT — 8.8.18

    è stato tutto fantastico, appartamento bello pulito e confortevole. Personale disponibile e prezzo più che ottimo, e posizione perfetta per il costo.

    Bookiong.com     10 / 10

  • Adrian , IE — 7.8.18

    +Location was in a safe area and very close to all routes, Accommodation was spotless. Lenka and Paval were fantastic and made it very easy.

    – Air conditioning would be a big bonus. Make sure you validate your tram tickets after purchase as there is a very large fine if you don’t as we discovered the hard way on a 4 min tram journey we were fined €96.00. Very wrong to do this to 3 tourists visiting for the weekend.

    Booking.com     8,8 / 10

  • Full-servis pár kroků od centra Brna

    Jan, CZ — 3.8.18

    Pár minut chůze od centra i vlakového nádraží, čistý malý apartmán v novostavbě, s velmi vstřícnou majitelkou, plným servisem a mnoha příjemnými drobnostmi – připravené drobné občerstvení, v lednici vychlazené mléko a v mrazáku led (v době naší návštěvy bylo přes 30 stupňů), široká nabídla kapslí Nespresso, k tomu možnost uložit si zavazadla před ubytováním i po jeho skončení. Snad jen ochlazovač vzduchu nám chyběl, při teplotách přes 23 stupňů v noci ventilátor ani otevřená okna moc nezachrání.

    Hotels.com     5 / 5

  • Zdenek, CZ — 3.8.18

    +Krátká vzdálenost od centra města a od zastávek MHD. Káva, čaj a sušenky zdarma k dispozici.

    – Mohla by být lepší vybavenost kuchyně (nádobí) a koupelny (poličky na odkládání). V obývacím pokoji byl nepraktický stolek s posuvnou skleněnou deskou (nebezpečí rozbití a úrazu).

    Booking.com     8,8 / 10

  • First-class host , excellent apartment !!! Thanks Lenka !!!

    Katalin, HU — 3.8.18

    This was our first time in Brno. This is the apartment I warmly recommend! Excellent value for money, very -very clean spacious rooms, well equipped. Lenka is a first -class host !!!! Great! 🙂

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Brno, cidade que encanta

    Otto, Brazilie — 31.7.18

    A atenção que recebemos ao chegar e na partida e quando precisamos contar da perda de sinal do wifi, Lenka que nos atendeu foi de uma atenção e presteza que, apesar da localização não ser ótima, voltariamos a ficar lá. Recomendamos uma visita a Brno, conhecendo duas lindas igrejas, museu de Mendel, palacio Spielberg, praças etc, etc

    Hotels.com     5 / 5

  • Superb Apartment

    Gary, NZ — 27.7.18

    It was an absolutely lovely apartment with all the facilities you would want, ie dishwasher, washing machine, frig and coffee machine. It was very spacious, it’s photo does not do it justice. Our host Lenka was really lovely, waiting outside in the heat for us and nothing was too much trouble for her. The apartment is located within easy reach of bus and train and plenty of eating places. Also it is not far from main square We really recommend it to anyone.

    Hotels.com     5 / 5

  • Pavlina, CZ — 26.7.18

    Byla jsem spokojená naprosto se vším. Příjemná a klidná lokalita blízko centra. Útulný, čistý a skvěle vybavený pokoj. Bezproblémová domluva s paní majitelkou. Mohu vřele doporučit.

    Booking.com     26.7.18

  • anonim, — 25.7.18

    The apartment is new, comfortable, clean and very well equipped, located in quiet area, but closed to old town. Parking. Very nice and helpful host.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • 2 days in Brno

    Johan, SE — 24.7.18

    A very nice place near the city center. A short walk to restaurants and pubs. Very close to wine tasting.

    Hotels.com     4 / 5

  • Excellent

    Jonathan, SE — 23.7.18

    Great apartment, spotless, and excellent service from LenkaA really nicely stocked pantry for when you crave a snack.

    Hotels.com 5 / 5

  • مدينة برنو تستحق الزيارة

    رحال حول العالم, SA — 22.7.18

    5 stars apr ا0مل شقة ممكن تتوقعها موقع باركنق 100 متر السنتر

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Doporučuji všem

    Petr, CZ — 21.7.18

    Terasa,káva zdarma, čistota,klid,blízko centra, paní majitelka vám ochotně dopodrobna vysvětli tipy na výlety

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Superb

    Haibin, AU — 21.8.2017

    Nothing could be complained, perfect for long stay

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Very good place for stay. Everything super perfect. 10+ Score.

    Supachart, TH — 19.7.18

    ทุกอย่าง ดีมากๆ ห้องสะอาด กว้างขวาง เตียงนอนแสนสบาย สะอาด พื้นที่ทำครัวกว้างขวาง อุปกรณ์ ครบครัน มีขนมเตรียมไว้ให้ทานฟรี พร้อมกาแฟ แสนอร่อย เจ้าของห้องให้บริการดีมากๆ เตรียมข้อมูลพร้อมอธิบาย ทั้งแหล่งท่องเที่ยว ร้านอาหาร แผนที่ สุดยอดมากๆ ทีจอดรถ ปลอดภัยมาก สะดวกสบาย ที่ตั้งอยู่ใกล้ใจกลางเมือง เดินเที่ยวได้สบายมาก ไม่ต้องใช้รถเลย อยากให้มากกว่า 10 คะแนน

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • A hospitality gem

    VirginiaSp, CH — 18.7.18

    +Absolutely clean flat, functional and located close to train station and old town. Our hostess was polite and friendly, she had provided us with milk and croissants for breakfast since we arrived on Sunday, and explained all Brno’s amazing offers in detail. The best apartment and hostess we have ever seen!

    – Nothing!

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Отлично!

    Galina, Russia — 15.7.18

    +Хозяева, супружеская пара, несмотря на более ранний приезд, подготовили апартаменты, где были и круассаны и капсюльная кофемашина. Чисто, оплату приняли картой. Вид из окна, конечно, никакой, но это было не важно для нас. Центр, весь транспорт рядом. Очень хорошо, не стыдно порекомендовать для спокойного, качественного, безпафосного отдыха.

    – Все хорошо.

    Booking.com     9,6 / 10

  • Kodinomainen, siisti majoitus leppoisassa Brnossa

    Hippipunkkari, FIN — 14.7.2017

    +Huoneisto on erittäin tilava ja puhdas. Kylpyhuoneessa oli amme ja kylpytuotteita. Portaikko ja hissi olivat myös hyvin siistejä. Asunto sijaitsee rauhallisella alueella vanhankaupungin kupeessa. Sisäänkirjautuessamme saimme paljon vinkkejä alueen matkailuun. Tulimme Brnoon ”rahoittumaan” Prahan jälkeen, joten emme jaksaneet kauemmaksi lähteä. Alueella olisi paljon nähtävää ja Brnossa on ihana pikkukaupungin meininki. Voisin hyvin tulla uudestaan!

    – Näkymä parvekkeelta oli rähjäiselle sisäpihalle, mutta eipä siellä tullut aikaa vietettyäkään.

    Booking.com     9,6 / 10

  • A 5-star place at a 3-star price

    Evgeniy, Russia — 6.7.18

    I cannot really think of anything to complain about. It is just a 5-star place at a 3-star price!

    Hotels.com     5 / 5

  • Tesy84, CZ — 5.7.18

    +Bezproblemova komunikace a predani klicu, moc hezky, cisty a komfortni apartman, velmi dobre vybaveny, v klidne lokalite. Byli jsme spokojeni na 100%.

    – Vse bylo perfektni

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Ubytovanie ako v hotely len bez recepcie :)

    Lubomir, SK — 5.7.18

    + uper ubytovanie. Všetko tam je pripravené na skvelú dovolenku v Brne. Čo sa nám páčilo: – skvelá poloha (10 min od stanice, hneď pri centre) – možnosť parkovania na ulici (zadarmo) alebo v garáži – pekne zariadená novostavba – bezproblémová komunikácia s majiteľom – čisté nefajčiarske izby s veľkým balkónom – možnosť platiť na mieste kartou, v hotovosti, EUR alebo CZK – vybavenie kuchyne (kávovar, kanvica, platnička, mikrovlnka, umývačka riadu) – základná výbava jedla 🙂 Určite odporúčam a verím, že sa tam raz vrátim.

    – Nevyhovoval mi veľký vankúš 🙂

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Lea, Austria — 2.7.18

    – der ausblick vom fenster und dass das zimmer nicht finster wird

    Booking.com     9,2 / 10

  • Un buen sitio para pernoctar en Brno

    Victor, ES — 2.7.18

    +El apartamento está totalmente equipado y decorado con todo tipo de detalles. Se nota que a Lenka le encanta que el viajero esté cómodo. Todos son facilidades: el quedar con ella y recoger las llaves, el poder pagar el apartamento de cualquier manera, en mano (coronas o euros), tarjeta,… Muy amable a la hora de orientarnos donde cambiar moneda, donde cenar y tomar una cervezas, donde poder comprar queso, etc… El apartamento es cómodo, céntrico, con posibilidad de garaje y muy buen equipado, incluso, tiene una máquina Nespresso para poder hacer café (cápsulas incluidas) y alimentos para desayunar (bollos, leche, cereales,…). Tiene una carpeta con todo tipo de folletos, muy trabajada y orientativa de lo que se puede hacer en Brno y alrededores. Vamos, !una joya!,… muy ajustado de precio, cerca del centro. Nos dio ganas de quedarnos una noche mas, pero nuestro plan era seguir camino a Olomouc, … Totalmente recomendable, no dudamos en aconsejarlo a cualquier viajero que pare en Brno. Muchas gracias por tus atenciones Lenka.

    – Tuvimos que esperar un buen rato por un error de comunicación que Lenka se disculpo de forma efusiva y sintiendo sinceramente el mal entendido. Nosotros no le dimos ninguna importancia. Ella esperó en el garaje y nosotros en el portal.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Kitűnő szállás.

    Krisztina, HU — 30.6.18

    Gyakorlatilag minden rendelkezésre állt az apartmanban. Nagyon jó elhelyezkedés, közel az óvároshoz. Minden szempontból első osztályú volt a szállás, nagyon kedves tulajdonos. Nemzetközi szintű szállás. 5 euróért/nap zárt teremgarázsban lehetett parkolni.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Pleasant stay in EEl aparment when visiting relatives and friends in Brno

    Darek, AU — 26.6.18

    + The host, Lenka, was very helpful. The apartment was clean, comfortable, quiet and a good size with a lot of sun light, which could be easily blocked, if you did not want it.. Air con efficient for a whole apartment. Location was excellent, close to public transport, main railway station and the centre of the city. We stayed 10 nights and would stay again if in Brno.

    – Nothing to dislike.

    Booking.com    10 / 10

  • Perfect hotel for you

    Пролет, BG — 24.6.18

    Very comfort, clean apartment, with well-equipped kitchen. Very kind and helpful owner, inloved in her town (Hi, Lenka, thank you for all). Very comfort parking.

    Booking.com      10 / 10

  • Neville, NZ — 22.6.18

    Lenka is the most professional host we have come across so far. The apartment is very clean, well furnished, in a brand new condition with with little extras that just make the difference. Lenka provides plenty of information with tips to make your stay enjoyable. Definitely worth staying.

    airBNB     5 / 5

  • Michail, CZ — 9.6.18

    Place was good with prepared breakfast, I also really enjoyed large shower.

    airBNB     5 / 5

  • Barbora, SK — 9.6.18

    Ubytovanie bolo veľmi prijemné a pobyt sme si veľmi užili. Ďakujeme

    Booking.com     9,6 / 10

  • Accoglienza, disponibilità, ampi spazi e pulizia.

    Filippo, IT — 3.6.18

    A due passi dalla stazione e dal centro storico di Brno, siamo stati accolti dalla proprietaria con simpatia e disponibilità. Ampio appartamento dotato di tutti i comfort, silenzioso, accogliente e pulto. Siamo stati informati sulle principali possibilità turistiche e ristorative di Brno, in base alle nostre necessità, con mappe e depliant. In generale un’impressione molto positiva anche in base al prezzo contenuto. Se dovessimo ritornare crecheremmo sicuramente di fare il bis.

    Hotels.com     5 / 5

  • Love in Brno

    Raymond, Canada — 3.6.18

    It was a trip to be with my girlfriend who lives in Brno. So we could have intimate time together

    Hotels.com     4 / 5

  • Bästa boendet i Brno

    Kristina, SE — 2.6.2018

    + Centralt, men ändå lugnt läge. Mycket fräsch och modern lägenhet med alla faciliteter man kan önska, dessutom utomordentligt välstädad. Hiss från garaget upp till lägenheten. Mycket trevligt välkomnande av Lenka, som gav oss ypperlig information om vad som är värt att se i Brno med omnejd. Vi kommer gärna tillbaka!

    – Möjligtvis hade man kunnat önska sig en roligare utsikt från den lilla balkongen.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Jiří, CZ — 23.5.18

    + Vše – 100%ní spokojenost.

    – Nemám výhrady.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • NikolasN, SK — 23.5.18

    Excellent location, friendly owner, clean and well equipped rooms.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Отличное размещение.

    Igor, Rusko — 22.5.18

    + Соответствуют описанию. Это отличное место. Тихо и в двух шагах от туристического центра города. Нас доброжелательно и вовремя приняли. Все показали, выдали Карты города и окрестностей. Отметили все интересные места с краткой характеристикой. Мы даже пожалели, что приехали ненадолго. Можно смело отправляться на неделю. Будет чем заняться. Хочется отметить исключительную чистоту. Огромное спасибо Ленке за приём.

    – Недостатков нет.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Τέλειο!!!!!!

    ANDRONIKI , Greece — 20.5.18

    Πολύ καλή περιοχή, πολύ κοντά στο κέντρο. Πολύ προσεγμένη διακόσμηση. Αστραφτερή καθαριότητα. Πολύ ευγενική οικοδέσποινα. μας είχε αφήσει ένα σωρό κρουασάν, μπισκότα , corn flakes, γάλα, ακόμα και άπειρες κάψουλες nespresso. Άνετο κρεβάτι, πλήρως εξοπλισμένο διαμέρισμα, λειτουργικότατο μπάνιο με όλα τα απαραίτητα. Το συνιστώ ανεπιφύλακτα!

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • perfect place

    Evelyn, US — 3.5.18

    lenka was amazing. great communication. met me at front door and explained everything about the apartment. answered all my questions about brno and transportation. apt was well appointed, clean, convenient. nothing was lacking. perfect accommodations.

    Expedia     5 / 5

  • Frank, IE — 2.5.18

    Provision of free snacks and cofee. Clean secure and welcoming building/ host

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Over expectations

    anonim, — 1.5.18

    Great location in Brno. Just 10 min walk from rail station. Furniture and amenities are close to brand new.

    Expedia     5 / 5

  • Sokkal jobb volt, mint amire számítottam

    Adam, HU — 1.5.18

    + Lenka (a szállásadó) kedvessége és segítőkészsége. Tágas, tiszta, jól felszerelt, kényelmes volt a szállás. Jó volt az elhelyezkedése – közel volt a pályaudvar, a helyi tömegközlekedés, a vásárlás is könnyen megoldható volt.

    – Nem volt ilyen

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Marek, SK — March 2018

    Výborný pristup,čistý apartmán určite sa sem radi vratime

    Google     5 / 5

  • Balazs, HU — April 2018

    Tiszta, szép, tágas szállás.

    Google     5 / 5

  • Louis, DE — 30.4.18

    well kept appartment with an excellent location: the trade fair, the station and the old town are all easily accesible by foot. Lenka and Pavel were very helpful and friendly, i had some extra luggage coming and they went out of their way to make everything go smoothly.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Luis, DE — 30.4.18

    well kept appartment with an excellent location: the trade fair, the station and the old town are all easily accesible by foot. Lenka and Pavel were very helpful and friendly, i had some extra luggage coming and they went out of their way to make everything go smoothly.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Michael, Austria — April 2018

    seamless communication, friendly welcoming and great tips for the city from lenka and a very nice, quiet apartment. we had a great time 🙂

    airBNB     5 / 5

  • Angel, Greece — April 2018

    Lenka is a very gracious host. The apartment was on the ground floor, very clean, fully equipped abd the beds comfortable. Lenka arranged for trash dispoal and the apartment also included toiletries as well as basic breakfast goods, including coffee and tea, which was a welcome surprise. The apartment also possesses a charming balcony. The location was very convenient and a few meters away from a public lift that saves you a considerable uphill walk when visiting the city center. On the down side, all three beds were in the same room, which I didn’t expect, and the wi fi could use some improvement as it would frequently fizzle out.

    airBNB     5 / 5

  • The best in Brno

    Andrea, US — 24.4.18

    EEL apartments feel like home. Because of Lenka and Paul, I always look forward to my trips to Brno. I will be back again and again and again!

    Hotels.com    5 / 5

  • Petra, CZ — 22.4.18

    Kitchen was very well equipped. Everything you need, you find there: sugar, milk, biscuits…we loved coffee. Very clean apartment, perfumed, new… Proprietario was amazing.

    Booking.com     9,6 / 10

  • Pavel, CZ — 16.4.18

    Jediná vada chybějící snídaně. Ale v apartmánu je to tak.

    Booking.com     9,2 / 10

  • Jednoducho skvelé- apartmán v tichej lokalite na skok od námestia

    Simona, SK — 15.4.18

    Príjemné prostredie v tichej lokalite na skok od námestia. Komunikácia s ubytovateľmi bola výborná vyšli nám v ústrety ubytovať sa aj skorej a pani Lenka nás čakala v predstihu. Na mieste sme dostali inštrukcie a skvelé odporúčania na výlet či na návštevu reštaurácií. Na apartmáne sme mali všetko čo sme potrebovali- nachádzala sa tak aj práčka, žehlička a fén. Ako bonus sa tam nachádzali čaje, sušienky káva, mlieko müsli ….Kuchyňa bola komplete vybavená. Všetko bolo čisté a pekne pripravené. Veľmi ma potešila praktická mapka kde nám pani Lenka poznačila aj záchytné body, na základe nej sme sa cítili ako doma- nestratili sme sa a rýchlo sme všetko našli a spoznali. Na apartmáne sa nachádzajú aj mapy a sprievodcovia v rôznych jazykoch, taktiež časopis s reštauráciami a akciami. Tiež sme mali k dispozícií šanón s tipmi na výlet v Brne i v okolí. Určite odporúčam toto ubytovanie a radi sa sem vrátime znova 🙂

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • anonim, — 10.4.18

    + novy byt nedaleko centra, majitelka velmi vstricna, k dispozici kavovar, v lednici mleko, susenky, musli, pracka, fen, zehlicka, zehlici prkno, nadobi atd.

    – neni co vytknout

    Booking.com      10 / 10

  • It’s a perfect place to stay there and discover Brno and Moravia from there.

    anonim, — 5.4.18

    Everything. From Lenka to location:-). Everything. New and fully equipped flat with modern furniture and good location (Old Town, railway station, Spielberk, etc.). Lenka is extremely helpful and a real information spring:-). If you would like to spend some days in Brno and discover the town and its surroundings, it’s a pretty good choice.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Great stay!

    Lucy, AU — 30.3.18

    Brand new, clean, felt like a hotel, location was great, Lenka was very accommodating

    Booking.com      10 / 10

  • Vlkodl, SK — 26.3.18
    + Výborná poloha. Novostavba, takže všetko je nové. Vkusné a účelné zariadené. Ústretová majiteľka.
    –  Nie je čo vytknúť.
    Booking.com     10 / 10
  • Andrej, SK — 18.3.18

    So všetkym sme boli maximálne spokojní 🙂

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Miroslava, SK — 28.2.18

    Velmi cisto, velmi pohodlne,vybavenie kuchyne plne, kupelna s vanou a prackou.

    Booking.com     9,6 / 10

  • Kirsty, GB — 26.2.18

    New apartment that was clean and superbly situated for transport links and access to bars and bistro

    Booking.com     9,2 / 10

  • Irina, Russia — 19.2.18

    Потрясающие апартаменты, в которых есть все для короткого и продолжительного отдыха в Брно. Очень удобная парковка. Спасибо встречавшей нас Ленке за информацию о городе. Все замечательно.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • vom folosi aceeasi locatie, cand vom reveni in Brno

    Anca, RO — 13.2.18

    Apartament foarte curat, dotat cu toate utilitatile, situat la 1 minut de mers pe jos de centru. Gazda extrem de amabila, ne-a pus la dispozitie harti si pliante ale orasului Brno. Ne-a explicat ce se poate vizita in oras si imprejurimi si a raspuns rapid tuturor solicitarilor noastre.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Kateřina, CZ — 12.2.2018

    Ačkoliv bylo uvedeno ubytování bez snídaně, v kuchyni byly cereálie, mléko a několik sušenek. Krásný, nový a čistý apartmán. Velice milá a ochotná hostitelka, která nám při příjezdu předala vyčerpávající informace o všem, o čem jsme potřebovaly.

    Booking.com    9,2 / 10

  • Byly jsme velmi spokojeni ☺

    Iveta, CZ — 1.2.2018

    Ano,postel byla velmi pohodlná ☺

    Booking.com     8,8 / 10

  • Eel apartments Brno

    Andrew, UK — 30.1.2018

    Amazing. Beautiful apartment and well located. Lenka the owner was very helpful

    Hotels.com     5 / 5

  • Matti, IT — Janaury 2018

    Personally the best experience I have ever had with AirBnb: it made me really feel good at not having chosen a more expensive solution, as a hotel. It is definitey worth the price!!


  • Skvelé ubytovanie , maximálna spokojnosť. Ďakujeme

    Peter, SK — 22.1.2018

    Ubytovanie nás milo prekvapilo, či už jeho poloha v meste, tak aj jeho zariadenie a parkovanie . Apartmán krásne čistý, voňavý a útulný, nachádza sa v kľudnej časti centra mesta, takže sme nemuseli vôbec využívať v okolí miestnu dopravu a v pohode sme to prešli peši. Kuchyňa zariadená dostatočne, k dispozícii bol kávovar a na výber sme mali rôzne druhy káv. Vysoko hodnotíme aj profesionálny prístup a ochotu pani, ktorá nám odovzdávala kľúče od apartmánu a poskytla nám aj základné informácie , čo máme v okolí navštíviť. Určite toto zariadenie ešte tento rok využijeme a ubytovanie odporúčame aj ostatným

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Děkuji!

    CZ — 18.1.2018
    • Ubytovala jsem se v tomto apartmánu již po druhé, a ráda přijedu i potřetí 🙂 Místo je prostě sympatické svou jednoduchostí a zároveň detaily. V nenápadnosti zde najdete vše, od komplet zázemí v koupelně (včetně fénu a potřeb) až po kapesníčky v kuchyni. Nesspresso už dolaďuje výborný dojem, stejně tak něco k zakousnutí alá nouzovka ve skříni. Je zde dostatek ticha a nerušeného zázemí ať už v „ložnici“ či v obýváku nebo u stolečku při kuchyňce.
    • V rámci poměru cena/kvalita jsem naprosto spokojena.

    Booking.com      10 / 10

  • Very Clean – Like new! Easy walk to old town – excellent host, totally recommended

    Ian, SK — 18.1.2018

    Very Clean – Like new! Easy walk to old town – excellent host, totally recommended


  • Excellent!

    Michail, UK — 8.1.2018

    Perfect location, brand new appartment, very friendly owner, quiet, nespresso coffee, low-cost garage parking, extra clean.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Doporučujeme!

    Pavel, CZ — 7.1.2018

    S ubytováním i „paní domácí“ Lenkou jsme byli maximálně spokojeni. Vše proběhlo hladce a ubytování naprosto splnilo naše očekávání vzhledem, vybavením i čistotou. Můžeme jen a jen doporučit!

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Byl jsem spokojen

    Tomáš, CZ — 14.1.2018
    • kousek od nádraží
    • výhled na dvůr

    Booking.com     9,6 / 10

  • Tereza, CZ — 14.1.2018

    Všechno bylo výborné. Ubytování v centru, vše v dosahu a apartmán byl nádherný.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Traude, DE — 4.1.2018

    Klady: Sehr sauber,warm (im Jänner) und gemütlich, in Küche und Bad alles vorhanden, was man für Kurzaufenthalt braucht.freundlicher Empfang und Unterweisung

    Zápory: durchsichtige Vorhänge bei den Balkonfenstern (Sichtschutz) anbringen, Sicherheitshaltegriff beim Badewanneneinstieg fehlt,Teekanne fehlt

    Lokalita: Sehr günstig gelegen durch Bahnhofs- und Zentrumsnähe. Trotzdem sehr ruhige Lage in kleiner Nebengasse. Zu Fuß ist die Stadt sehr gut zu erkunden.

    Kurzaufenthalt zu Sylvester.3 Nächte mit Theater und Besihtigungsprogramm

    Expedia.com      4 / 5

  • Sehr gut ausgestattetes Appartement super Zentrale Lage sehr nette Vermieter

    Andreas, DE — 2.1.2018

    Super Lage,tolle Ausstattung,sehr nette Vermieter

    Booking.com     9,6 / 10

  • Giulio, HU — December 2017

    The time spent in Brno and in Lenka’s apartment was a fantastic experience! The flat is totally new, well furbished, perfectly located just a few steps away from the old town center. There’s a public lift 50 mt from the building which leads you directly to the entrance of the old town. The area is quite and tidy, the flat has a balcony with chairs and a table for a comfortable coffee break. Lenka is a great host and provided us all infos about what to see in town, including children activities and public transport tips. She answered all my emails even with last minute requests within a few minutes, always with a smile or an emoticon 🙂 She welcomed us with some nice gifts, a kitchen fully disposed with delicious cakes, coffee and tea, and a bottle of milk for our son! The apartment was very clean, with hair drier, fresh towels, shower gel, shampoo, all you need, we indeed felt being in a 4 star hotel! Highly recommended to anyone going to the lovely town of Brno, from a couple to a small family with one child.


  • Prima appartement vlakbij het centrum

    NL — 24.12.2017

    Klady: Het appartement ligt vlakbij het centrum.

    Het appartement is nieuw en voorzien van alles wat je nodig hebt tijdens een vakantie. De bedden zijn comfortabel. De eigenaar spreekt goed Engels. Er is een privé parkeerplaats in de parkeergarage.

    Expedia.com      5 / 5

  • Recommended host !

    Борис, BG — 30.12.2017

    A walk distance from the very center of the town. The apartment is look like brand new. A huge selection of nice coffee for free . We have been late with arriving ( 4 o’clock at the morning ) , but the host was still waiting on us (specially „THANK YOU“ to your mom 🙂 ).

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • agreable. pratique.

    Maritne, FR — 11.12.2017

    Tres propre. lumineux. proche de LA gare. tres bien equipee. vous Pouvez y aller les yeux fermes.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Překvapivě příjemné ubytování na úrovni s profesionálním přístupem pronajímatele.

    František, CZ — 11.12.2017

    Přístup ubytovatele, místo, vybavení, doplňkové nabídky nad rámec standardu, celkový dojem. Přijedeme zas

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Mariusz, PL — 4.12.2017

    Wszystko w najlepszym porządku. Pozdrawiamy Panią Lenkę

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Jiří, CZ — 4.12.2017

    Vybavení, zařízení, vstřícnost a ochota paní majitelky

    Booking.com     9,2 / 10

  • Evžen, CZ — 27.11.2017

    Toto ubytování hodnotím jako naprosto výjimečné a to hlavně kvůli tvůrčímu a profesionálnímu přístupu hostitelky Komunikace, příjezd – Domluva s hostitelkou byla bezproblémová, jasná a účelná. Je velmi vstřícná a snaží se vyhovět potřebám ubytovaných. Umožnila nám dřívější příjezd a přijala nás velmi přátelsky. Očekávala nás přesně v domluveném čase a rychle nás seznámila s bytem. Stejně tak nám poskytla doplňující informace o aktuálním dění v Brně. Vybavení ubytování – Jedná se o byt v novém moderním domě v běžné městské zástavbě s balkónem, dobře udržovaný a čistý. Místnost je zařízena účelně a pohodlně se znalostí potřeb ubytovaných. Byt je po technické stránce velmi dobře vybaven, má pěknou koupelnu a dobře vybavenou kuchyň. Dostatečně prostorný pro dva. Wifi je silná a rychlá. Všechna zařízení dobře fungovala. Okolí, doprava, nákupy, stravování – Byt se nachází ve městě. Okolí je ale klidné, bezpečné a poměrně tiché bez rušivých vlivů. V blízkosti je zastávka tramvaje. V dosahu do 10 – 15 minut pěší chůze je historické centrum města, nádraží, restaurace, velké supermarkety a další nákupní centra. Byt je vhodný pro návštěvu města i jako východiště k výletům do okolí Brna. Celkový dojem. Byli jsme velmi spokojeni a byt splňoval naše potřeby. Rádi přijedeme zase a děkujeme.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • čistý, nový, moderní, skvěle vybavený, na klidném místě

    Iva, CZ — 21.11.2017

    Příjemný vstupní prostor, naklizeno, čisto, hezké nové moderní vybavení, nechyběly ani základní potraviny (čaje, káva, mléko, musli, sušenky atd.)

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Skvělé

    Natalie, CZ — 14.11.2017

    Příjemná a ochotná paní provozní.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Nice and clean apartment in a central location.

    Tore, Norkso — 10.11.2017
    • The apatment is located a few minutes walk to the city centrum and the train station. It was new and very clean. Lenka, our host, was easy to communicate with, and always responded quickly on mail and sms. Coffee, milk, cereal and biscuits were included. The kichen were well equipped.
    • I would prefer an extra pillow, a thinner one.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Amazing place with the best coffe ever:)

    Paulina, PL — 6.11.2017

    The place was amazing. Our apartment was one minute from centre. Clean, light, comfortable. The owner – Lenka is such a lovely person, very helpfull!! Our stay at Brno was excellent! Thank you:)

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Exceptionally great find in the heart of Brno!

    Szilvia, HU — 4.11.2017

    Wonderful place to stay in Brno. All the great reviews written here are accurate. Beautiful apartment, fantastic host, extremely friendly and helpful. Perfect location, in the very heart of the city. Very very clean. Coming back there? It’s not a question of if, it’s a question of when.

    Expedia.com     5 / 5

  • Can’t think of anything wrong with this apartment.

    Mario, CH — 2.11.2017
    • Excellent location within walking distance to old town and train station. Impeccably clean apartment with all modern amenities that make you feel at home. Lenka is a great host.
    • Nothing

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Lenka was really helpful and a super host!

    — October 2017

    The apartment was beyond our expectations and I would like to highlight the location, it was really close to everything! Thanks for the great experience!

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Exceptional Apartment with Great Location

    kinleyjennifer, USA — 27.10.2017

    We loved our stay in the studio apartment. Paul and Lenka were wonderful & welcoming hosts. The apartment was very clean, tastefully decorated and complete with all the essentials. Excellent value for such a modern apartment so close to the city center. We appreciated the lovely hospitality and will definitely return again!

    TripAdvisor     5 / 5

  • Wouldnt stay anywhere else in Brno,EVER!

    dn, — 19.10.2017

    The best host you could ever imagine in Lenka,literally everything is thought of! From the moment you arrive and speak to Lenka and get the tour of the apartment you cant fail to be impressed,its so modern,clean and classy,the huge windows and french doors with lovely terrace are just tremendous,its just a lovely lovely space to spend your time! Tea and coffee facilities provided,cereals and a selection of cereal bars and biscuits provided,washing machine,ironing board,hair dryer,2 hob cooker,microwave,fresh milk provided in the fridge on arrival,washing up liquid,hand wash,kitchen roll,soaps and gels,towels and linen provided,im sure ive left stuff out that i cant think of,but i guarantee Lenka will have remembered it and it will be there! lol

    Hotels.com     5 / 5

  • -Highly recommended.

    Daniel, RO — 12.10.2017

    -great location, great host, great service, super clean, completelly equiped.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Great appartment

    Mikko, — 13.10.2017

    Appartment was very good and new and no traffic noise. Near the old town and public transport. Good communication.

    Hotels.com     5 / 5

  • so gut wie direkt vor Altstadt und Zitadelle

    Hans-Jürgen, — 3.10.2017

    +   die Einrichtung

    –    fällt mir schwer zu sagen

    Lokalita: in Altstadt Nähe, sehr gut zu erreichen

    es war ein Apartment, die Empfangsperson war sofort zur Stelle und erklärte alles gut, ein Parkplatz ist im nahen Parkhaus erhältlich – wurde auf Anfrage im Vorfeld geregelt

    Expedia     4 / 5

  • Great location with really friendly helpful hosts

    — October 2017
    • They provided tea, coffee, cereal etc so if you arrive late you have something to eat the next morning without having to find a shop. A nice touch.
    • Hand held shower over the bath, ideally needs a wall mounting to make it easier to use.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Good location, right fit, value for money

    Julius, SK — 4.10.2017

    Proper service, clean rooms, well equiped. Right aproach of the person in checking in.

    Booking.com     9,2 / 10

  • Просторные, качественные и уютные аппартаменты рядом с центром с собственным подземным паркингом

    Eternal traveller, Rusko — 3.10.2017
    • Все понравилось. Для аппартаментов очень просторно и уютно, неплохая кухня, есть все необходимые принадлежности и бытовая техника, включая кондиционер. Кофе-машина Nespresso с капсулами бесплатно, что очень кстати, особенно утром. Хозяйка приветливо встретила, предоставила поддробные рекомендации по посещению города и окрестностей. Есть путеводители на разных языках, очень быстрый и хороший Wi-Fi. Собственный подземный паркинг совсем рядом (5 евро/сутки). Центр города в пешей доступности (наверх можно подняться на городском лифте), идти около 10 минут. Столько же идти до больших супермаркетов. Въезд и выезд без каких-либо проблем и задержек, по предварительной договоренности. По ощущениям, проживание нам понравилось больше, чем во многих классических отелях.
    • Очень незначительный дискомфорт при приеме душа (нельзя принять душ стоя), но такая практика встречается и во многих отелях.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Andreas, DE — 1.10.2017
    • sehr komfortablen Unterbringung in angenehmer Umgebung

    Booking.com     9,6 / 10

  • Rádi se zase někdy vrátíme, protože pobyt byl úžasný

    Tomáš, CZ — 1.10.2017
    • Výborná dostupnost do historického centra Možnost dřívějšího check-in Útulnost apartmánu Mléko, káva, drobnosti ke svačině v ceně
    • Vše bylo perfektní

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Mike a Danika, USA — september 2017
    Great place! Super clean and very nice apartment. We loved it and would absolutely stay here again. We also recommend paying the 5 euros for covered parking, we didn’t do that and ended up getting towed because we didn’t understand the parking signs. But Lenka was an amazing host and super helpful in everything! Highly recommend!!
  • Jan, CZ — 23.9.2017

    Pani, ketra byla ochotna, znala a pohotova

    Booking.com     9,6 / 10,0

  • Would love to stay longer :)

    Olga, CZ — 22.9.2017

    Perfect location for our purposes. Very light and spacious apartment having all important facilities you can think of. Friendly and nice hosts

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Apartmán sa veľmi páčil nie len mne, ale celej našej mini rodine. Radi sa sem vrátime.

    Mirka, SK — 21.9.2017
    • Ubytovanie bolo ešte krajšie než sme čakali. Pri cestovaní s bábätkom si veľmi starostlivo vyberáme miesta nášho pobytu. Prekvapil ma krásny svetlý apartmán, super vybavený a nadizajnovaný tak, že lahodil oku. Čistota bola na vysokej úrovni, takže som sa nebála nechať naše malé bábo loziť po zemi. Tiež ma potešila detská postieľka zdarma, ktorá bola čistučká a plne funkčná. Spoľahlivá garáž. A samozrejme káva 🙂 Páčilo sa mi tiež, že pani Lenka bola milá a hneď pri prvom stretnutí nás pozitívne namotivovala na pobyt v apt ale celkovo aj v meste hoci počasie bolo mizerné.
    • apt niet čo vytknúť

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Stana, CZ — 14.9.2017

    Vstřícný přístup při dřívějším příjezdu na ubytování. Čisté a příjemné ubytování.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Céntrico y comodo

    Eugenia, ES — 13.9.2017
    • Situación y lo nuevo que es. Destacar la amabilidad de los dueños, sus explicaciones de que ver en la ciudad. Son perfectos anfitriones. Un ascensor público al lado te lleva al casco antiguo. Todo queda cerca andando. Posibilidad de dejar el coche en el mismo edificio a 5€ noche. Es todo nuevo, casi a estrenar. La habitación está muy bien decorada, cama doble, cocina, mesa y un buen lavabo y ducha. Muy agradable estancia.
    • Nada

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • David, UK — 13.9.2017

    The apartment was spacious and comfortable.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Náš nejlepší apartmán.

    • Bez snídaně. Ale skvělá kuchyňka. Nádherný, prostorný, vkusně a účelně zařízený apartman.
    • Za výhled do dvora majitel nemůže. A okolí je plné výhledů nádherných.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Erst, Austria — 4.9.2017

    a genial host does her job in a professional way

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Great new building in excellent condition and good supervision.

    Frank, IE — 26.8.2017
    • op class equipment. Coffee pods and biscuit free provided. Good room fan with lighting safety unit. TV and wifi top class.
    • Some fire separation doors appeared to be choked open for some reason?

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Unos días en Brno muy buenos

    Juanjo,, Španělsko — 21.8.2017

    Muy acogedor el apartamento, Lenka muy bien nos informó de todo lo que podíamos ver y hace en Brno genial.

    Booking.com    10 / 10

  • S.M., DE — 21.8.2017

    Sehr gute, zentrale Lage, gleichzeitig ruhig. Sehr gute Ausstattung. Sehr gute Informationen durch die Gastgeberin Lenka.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Blake, USA — August 2017

    We had a great stay at this apartment. It was clean and comfortable and just as described. Perfect location for exploring the old town or taking public transport elsewhere in Brno.


  • Laurette, USA — August 2017

    Wonderful host! Took the time when we checked in to tour the apartment and show us how things worked. Also gave us suggestions on local attractions and restaurants to check out. Communication was great. Apartment was centrally located an only about a 5 minute walk to get into the city center. Apartment was well stocked with some breakfast items, coffee, shampoo, and towels. Air conditioning worked well. Highly recommend!


  • Maximální spokojenost.

    Lada, CZ — 18.8.2017

    Kávovar k dispozici na pokoji. Zmínka o zajímavostech města Brna.

    Booking.com      10 / 10

  • Martina, IT — 17.8.2017

    Bellissimo appartamento grande e pulito con tutti i confort. Gentilissima Lenka che ci ha dato un sacco di consigli utili sulla città :cosa vedere, dove mangiare… Garage per la nostra moto. Vicino alla città vecchia raggiungibile in 10 min a piedi.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Great place!!!

    Jennifer, UK — 15.8.2017

    Everything was great. Lenka is adorable and the apt is very confortable.

    Booking.com      10 / 10

  • Marcin, SK — 11.8.2017

    Starostlivosť personálu, ochota pomôcť, poradiť s aktivitami v okolí. vybavenie apartmánu a službu na vysokej úrovni

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Preporucujem apartman EEL Brno

    Milan, RS — 8.8.2017

    cistoca, lokacija, odnos vlasnika prema gostima, odnos cena-kvalitet

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Morgan, — 7.8.2017

    Mycket bra genomgång av sevärdheter

    Hotels.com     5 / 5

  • lep, čist apartma, zelo blizu centra, zelo prijazna lastnica

    Sasa, SL — 2,8.2017
    • Gostiteljica naju je pričakala pred stavbo, dala nama je res izčrpne napotke glede znamenitosti mesta, lokalov,imela je zemljevid mesta, govori angleško je zelo uslužna in prijazna
    • vse je bilo o.k.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • leto v Brne

    Peter, SK — 24.7.2017

    apartman je situovany v novostavbe v centre mesta, ale v tichej lokalite. s vybavenim, ako aj s pohodlim sme boli nad mieru spokojni. tiez velmi ustretova pani Lenka nam poskytla vela cennych napadov na lokality v meste a vylety po okoli.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • szuper apartman a város közepén , jó áron

    Zsuzsa, HU — 22.7.2017
    • Nem volt az árban benne a reggeli emlékezetem szerint. Ennek ellenére volt corn flakes, müzli, tej, tea, kapszulás kávét is lehetett főzni. Minden ragyogott a tisztaságtól. Az ágy kényelmes volt. Lehetett a nagy képernyős tv-n magyar adást nézni. Rövid sétára volt az apartman a belvárostól, ami nagyon szép.Sajnálom, hogy rövid volt az ott töltött idő. A Lenka nagyon kedvesen fogadott, A telefonálás után 5 percen belül már mutatta is a szállást. A parkolóért -mélygarázs- 5 eurót kellett fizetni, de egyébként a közelben nem lehetett volna sehol parkolni.
    • Nekem így volt tökéletes.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Great place!

    Awy, BG — 22.7.2017

    The place is new and clean. Our host had taken care of everything. She met us at the address. She gave us a map of the city and marked us all the sites we were interested in. It was loaded with products – coffee, milk, cornflakes, biscuits and more. Special thanks to Lenka! We would visit again!

    Booking.com     9,6 / 10

  • Peter, SK — 17.7.2017

    I liked everything. When I arived the owner of property was waiting for me outsied of the building. She provide very cool tips on what to do in Brno and where I can get good food + some coctails. She also hand me ower city map and assured me that I can call her in case of any emergency even outside property whitch was super nice of her. Very cool was that brakfest and coffee was included (cereals, ,perniky + nespresnil coffee machin with various coffees)

    Booking.com     9,6 / 10

  • Great apartment

    — 15.7.2017

    It’s clean and has all amenities needed

    Booking.com     9,6 / 10

  • Výborné bydlení v centru města

    Jarek, CZ — 13.7.2017

    Perfektní check in vč. informací o možnostech zábavy a poznávání ve městě. Velmi příjemná komunikace a servis. Super místo ve středu Brna s parkingem – pro služební cesty i dovolenou.

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • Friendly host

    Brian, UK — 11.7.2017
    • Lenka was a very good host, offering lots of tips for sightseeing
    • The road outside was being extensively ripped up and the workman started a 645 in the morning

    Booking.com     8,8 / 10

  • Marcin, PL — July 2017

    Lenka is one of the best hosts as I ever has. I will always recomend this appartment for my friends!

  • Home away from home in Brno

    Carmen, — June 2017

    It is a super nice Appartement, very spacious for just a couple. Nice bathroom with big bath tub, bed with a wonderful mattres (we could sleep very well). Kitchen / fridge spacious, even Nespresso machine. It has everything you need for a nice holiday, and Lenky, the manager, is very helpful and provides a lot of information about Brno. Old city and station, both are just a few minutes walk. Groceries, supermarkets, restaurants, cafés – everything within walking distance. We definitely enjoyed our stay.

    Hotels.com     4 / 5

  • Friendly host

    Brian, VB — 11.7.2017
    • Lenka was a very good host, offering lots of tips for sightseeing
    • The road outside was being extensively ripped up and the workman started a 645 in the morning

    Booking.com     8,8 / 10,0

  • Feel like a local with hotel comfort

    Jeremy, — 9.7.2017

    Modern, clean, bright, well-appointed kitchen, satellite channels.

    Great place to stay due to the proximity to historic buildings, shops, bars, and restaurants. Super clean with nice amenities.

    Expedia     5,0 / 5,0

  • Jari, FIN — 30.6.2017

    Kaikki kympin arvoista.

    Booking.com     10,0 / 10,0

  • CZ — 27.6.2017

    še bylo skvělé, majitelka i výbava apartmánu.


  • SK — 26.6.2017
    • Vo vybavení apartmánu bolo všetko čo človek potrebuje či už v kuchyni alebo kúpeľni. Síce nemajú recepciu alebo ubytovanie prebehlo hladko, apartmán ešte „voňal novotou“ . Pekné plus bola káva v cene a aj nejaké občerstvenie na raňajky. Lokalita bola tichá a blízko centra. Určite odporúčam a ak bude možnosť určite sa vrátime.
    • Človek by sa veľmi musel snažiť aby niečo tomuto ubytovaniu vytkol.

    Booking.com     10,0 / 10,0


  • 在Brno的天堂

    shuhui, Čína — 26.7.2017


    Hotels.com     5,0 / 5,0

  • Best place to stay in Brno!

    Jamie, USA — 26.6.2017

    Klady: Host-provided breakfast items, TV with many satellite channels, everything new/clean, the host, the location.

    Lokalita: Historic city center, church, architecture, people-watching at the central square, farmer’s market, bars, wine garden, zoo, shopping

    The EEL apartments are just outside of the historic old city center, a short 5 minute walk. The apartment provides all the comforts of home – kitchen (including cereal, milk, and coffee provided by the lovely host), washing machine, and flat screen TV with satellite (inc. MANY American channels), hairdryer, fluffy towels, hotel-sized soaps, and a shower with the most amazing water pressure I’ve ever experienced! The apartment and everything in it seems brand new. The host met us when we arrived and gave us her recommendations for sight-seeing. Later, we forgot the name of the restaurant she recommended and got a quick response by text message when we asked. It was comforting to know that if any issue arose, with the apartment or probably even with our visit to Brno, we had someone we could contact for help. If I get the chance to return to Brno I would really look forward to staying in an EEL apartment again.

    Expedia     5,0 / 5,0

  • Mitten in Brno

    Jutta, Německo — 25.6.2017

    Ein neues Hotel mitten in der Altstadt von Brno. Sauberkeit, Service und der Empfang ohne Probleme, obwohl noch kräftig eingeräumt wurde. Wir können dieses Hotel nur empfehlen!

    Hotels.com     5,0 / 5,0

  • Jacob, VB — 25.6.2017

    Lenka was very helpful. We felt very welcomed. Would stay again 100%!

    Booking.com     10,0 / 10,0

  • Fabulous place to stay and wonderful host

    Margaret, Australie — 25.6.2017

    We stayed in one of Lenka’s apartment of the recommendation of a friend who now lives in Brno. The apartment we had was new, spacious, very comfortable, very well set up for self catering, had reliable and fast wifi and a little balcony. Lenke was very welcoming and had stocked the apartment with tea and coffee and other basic essentials and even some things for breakfast. It’s also central to everything including the station, lots of places to eat and the old town centre. A fabulous place to stay for a few days or for months.

    TripAdvisor     5 / 5

  • Irena, CZ — 20.6.2017

    Vše perfektní. Takto si s manželem představujeme profesionální servis v oblasti turismu. Děkujeme mockrát a těšíme se na příští pobyt.

    Booking.com     10,0 / 10,0

  • Katarina, SK — 20.6.2017

    Boli sme veľmi spokojní, pani ústretová, poloha blízko centra. Už teraz rozmýšľame nad ďalším termínom výletu 🙂

    Booking.com     10,0 / 10,0

  • Place idéale

    Monique et Yvon, Kanada — 18.6.2017
    • Tout : l’accueil, l’emplacement, la clarté et les commodités dans l’appartement, l’Internet, la dame nous avait laissé ce qu’il fallait pour un petit déjeuner.
    • Rien

    Booking.com     10,0 / 10,0

  • Slawall, CZ — 17.6.2017

    Poloha, parkování v podzemních garážích v domě, čistota, klid, velmi komfortní, postel super, terasa, kafe/čaj během pobytu zdarma

    Booking.com     10,0 / 10,0

  • Das wahrscheinlich tollste Appartement im Lande.

    Coldplayer, Německo — 15.6.2017
    • Frühstück bereits im Apartment, der Empfang zwecks Schlüsselübergbe unglaublich freundlich und herzlich.
    • Tatsächlich nichts auszusetzen.

    Booking.com     10,0 / 10,0

  • Výborné

    Karolína, CZ — 13.6.2017

    Poloha apartmánu velmi výhodná- do centra města cca 10 minut. Ochotný personál. Děkujeme

    Booking.com     10,0 / 10,0

  • recommended

    Jerzy, PL — 11.6.2017
    • everything from host to the quiet neighborhood, and of course location
    • n/a

    Booking.com     10,0 / 10 ,0

  • Michael, Kanada — 11.6.2017

    Very comfortable apartment close to trams, buses and railway station.
    The apartment had everything you will need.
    Our train was delayed but our host was able to meet us much later than we had anticipated. She was most helpful in explaining everything about Brno and the surrounding area.


  • Tomáš, CZ — 10.6.2017
    • Krásný nový apartmán s balkonem, kuchyni, koupelnou, prackou, za cenu hotelového pokoje.
    • Hodila by se malá lampička na nočním stolku u postele.

    Booking.com     10,0 / 10,0

  • Zeer aan te bevelen

    Gerard, NL — 10.6.2017
    • Dichtbij trein en busstation en op loopafstand van de oude binnenstad. De inrichting van het appartement is smaakvol en van goede kwaliteit. De eigenaresse was ons zeer behulpzaam en neemt de tijd je alles uit te leggen. We konden gelijk aan de koffie met lekkere koeken . Er is ook luchthavenshuttle.
    • Niets

    Booking.com     10,0 / 10,0

  • Home away from home in Brno

    Carmen, Německo — 10.6.2017

    It is a super nice Appartement, very spacious for just a couple. Nice bathroom with big bath tub, bed with a wonderful mattres (we could sleep very well). Kitchen / fridge spacious, even Nespresso machine. It has everything you need for a nice holiday, and Lenky, the manager, is very helpful and provides a lot of information about Brno. Old city and station, both are just a few minutes walk. Groceries, supermarkets, restaurants, cafés – everything within walking distance. We definitely enjoyed our stay.

    Hotels.com     4,0 / 5,0

  • Very nice and cosy appartement

    Rositsa, — 9.6.2017

    The appartement was very nice, cosy and clean, and in a new building. It was fully equipped, including breakfast food (cereals, milk, etc.). The location was also a great asset, as it was close to the bus and train station, to a shopping mall as well as to the city center. In addition, the lady, who greeted us, Lenka, was really nice and helpful, and provided us with many good recommendations on what to do in Brno and its surroundings.

    Hotels.com     5,0/ 5,0

  • Zbynek, CZ — 5.6.2017

    Dobrý lokalita, pozorná paní majitelka nám dala důležité informace ohledně pobytu v Brně

    Booking.com     9,6 / 10,0

  • Great location in Brno

    Desireé, Jihoafricka republika — 27.5.2017
    • Location. Spacious apartment. Huge bathroom. Excellent host giving many travel tips. Very clean. Everything… I loved this property and will utilize it again in future should I travel to Brno.
    • Nothing. I loved this place.

    Booking.com     10,0 / 10 ,0

  • Happy Business Traveler

    Andrea, Japonsko — 27.5.2017

    Wonderful little apartment right near the Old Town of Brno. Lenka is a fabulous host. She was super helpful – recommending great shops and restaurants, arranging taxis, and suggesting what to see in Brno. The apartment is nicely furnished and very clean. Wifi was speedy and consistent. The full size fridge made it easy to store fruits and veggies picked up at the local daily market.

    Hotels.com     5,0 / 5,0

  • EEL = osvědčená záruka kvality

    Václav, CZ — 18.5.2017

    CZ: Již poněkolikáté jsem využil ubytování v EEL Brno Apartments. I v tomto případě bylo opět spojeno s potěšením a vynikající kvalitou. Paní majitelka je velmi ochotná a flexibilní, co se týče příjezdu a předání klíčů. Lokalita je velmi blízko samotného centra a vybavení studia je praktické a užitečné. EN: Accommodation in EEL Brno Apartments is always my first choice while in Brno and meets a the highest quality standard for this type of service. Landlord is very willing and ready to fulfill customer needs (keys handover, explanations etc.). Apartment location is very close to the city center and facility is simple and practical.

    Booking.com     10,0 / 10 ,0

  • Maxime, FR — květen 2017

    Appartement neuf dans une nouvelle bâtisse. Petit mais très bien équipé. 5 min de marche (escaliers) pour atteindre le centre touristique. Très bonne accueil avec beaucoup d’informations sur les choses à visiter. Possibilité d’un stationnement dans le garage pour 5€ par nuit.


  • Lucie, CZ — 22.5.2017

    Perfektni pristup, krasny, cisty apartman, mily prekvapeni v podobe snacku a kavy. Lenka je velmi ochotna a napomocna. Muzu jen doporucit!


  • Ubytovanie na 1*

    Daniel, SK — 21.5.2017

    Ubytovanie na 1*. Apartman top, poloha top. Lenka bola perfeknty hostitel. Poradila a ukazala nam na prilozenej mape vsetky zaujimave miesta v Brne.


  • Skvělé ubytování v centru města.

    Petr, CZ — 9.5.2017

    Umístění v centru města, skvělý přístup majitelky, vynikající káva, mléko a různé sladkosti k dispozici.

    Booking.com    10,0 / 10,0

  • Joey, USA — květen 2017

    Walking distance (10 min) from train station. Balcony. 4th floor. Very close to the city center. Very clean. Very modern furnishings. Bed can be split for two separate small beds or pushed together for one queen size bed.


  • Het was een mooi app. Gunstig gelegen! Volgend jaar weer!

    Corrie, NL — 6.5.2017
    • Mooi app. Gunstig gelegen bij het centrum!
    • Was geen prullebakje in de badkamer. Ik miste een pan om vlees in te bakken en een koekepan voor een eitje in te bakken.

    Booking.com     8,8 / 10,0

  • Near to City Center, Good Location, Clean

    Charles, VB — 3.4.2017

    Nice Staff, Easy walk from main train station. The owner was very kind and provided all the information about Brno. She provided all the maps and recommended best restaurants and bar. Would book this place again without even thinking.

    Hotels.com     5,0 / 5,0

  • “Great apartment in a good location”

    Suzane, Australie — březen 2017

    Paul was waiting for us on arrival. Lovely spotlessly clean secure open plan apartment. Modern kitchen with some breakfast foods provided if needed and a Nespresso machine which makes good coffee. Plenty of space for clothes. Very comfortable bed. Modern washing machine was a blessing after a 7 day river cruise. Walking distance to the old city attractions. Lenka was a wealth of information.The only drawback is the hand held shower in the bath. Stayed for 4 nights and would highly recommend.

    TripAdvisor     5,0 / 5,0

  • Ubytování a servis 10 plus

    lakuok46, CZ — 21.3.2017

    Čekalo nás několik příjemných překvapení: Před ubytováním nás čekala sl. Lenka s volným parkovacím místem. Prostorný, čistý a milý apartmán nemá slabé místo. V kuchyni je vynikající kávovar s kapslemi,několik druhů čajů,pochutiny k snídani a v lednici mléko a smetana. To nejpodstatnější je informační servis naší ubytovatelky, díky kterému jsme měli úžasný kulturní a gastronomický zážitek z města o kterém jsem si myslel, že jej známe.

    Booking.com     10,0 / 10,0

  • Рекомендую остановиться именно в этих апартаментах

    Inna, Rusko

    Понравилось внимание, готовность помочь. Чистото и все продуманно для людей

    Booking.com     9,6 / 10

  • “Brno gem”

    Sydney — 13.3.2017

    What a find! Lenka was a wonderful host who met us on arrival to let us in and provided heaps of information. The apartment was spacious and clean with comfortable beds and a large kitchen that had a Nespresso machine. We loved the internal laundry facilities. The location was perfect as it was close to the city centre and very close to the main train station. There were a number of restaurants nearby (including excellent high end ones) as well as supermarkets. I cannot recommend this place enough and I would definitely stay here again when I return.

    TripAdvisor     5,0 / 5,0

  • Great apartment close to centre

    Neil, USA — 7.3.2017

    Lovely apartment in convenient area near town centre, train station and tram stops. Also 5 min walk to tescos, shopping centre or free bus to out of town shopping centre. Apartment very spacious and clean for 2 people. All mod cons including washer dryer would highly recommend. Excellent help and service from Lenka the manager.

    Hotels.com     5,0 / 5,0

  • Apartmán na jednotku

    Lydia, SK — 1.3.2017

    Boli sme veľmi spokojní.

    Hotels.com     5,0 / 5,0

  • Sehr zufriedenstellend!

    Claudia, Rakousko — 28.2.2017

    Lage, Personal u. Appartementgröße

    Booking.com     9,6 / 10

  • Petr, CZ — 27.2.2017
    • Vždy mam problem v cizím prostředí se dobře vyspat ..tady to bylo jak doma:)..velmi příjemná p.Lenka…Mohu jen doporučit
    • Nic

    Booking.com     10,0 / 10,0

  • Brno – a far more laid back Czech stay (than Praha)

    Stephanie, Velká Británie — 27.1.2017
    • Lenka was waiting for us outside the apartment and gave us a lot of info about the area. We appreciated the breakfast items that she supplied. The apartment is very clean, very warm and about 8 mins from train station, highly recommended. Love The Czech Republic. Prague has it all… but getting off the tourist track is getting inreasingly difficult. Brno is far more laid back and, the airport is fantastically quiet.
    • It was WAY too cold…but we visited in January. We loved the cold. The apartment is toasty.

    Booking.com     9,6 / 10

  • Clean, spacious and comfortable, close to all

    Donna, Kanada — 10.1.2017

    We enjoyed our stay at EEL. Lenka was very helpful and informative. A bit difficult to find walking from the bus station as most of the street has no name. This apartment has it all except for an oven. I would stay here again and would highly recommend staying here. Dekuji Donna and Barry

    Hotels.com     5/5

  • Zuzana, SK — 3.1.2017

    “Vynikajúca poloha, možnosť bezpečného parkovania, čistota a pohodlie. Odporúčame!”


  • Matt a Jeny, USA — XII.2016

    Lenka’s place is awesome! It is a great location to explore the city of Brno from! Minutes walk from main train station, trams and everything. It was a great space – clean, open & all the comforts of home. Lenka is a great host, gives great sight seeing tips & traditional restaurant recommendations! She is very friendly and happy! We had a great time even though it was only an one night stay! Brno is wonderful & staying at Lenka’s is best!


  • Very pleasant stay

    Thomas, Holandsko — 17.12.2016

    + “Comfortable and clean apartment, with all the facilities we needed. The location was perfect for us. Within 10 minutes walk you are in the centre of Brno and the bus stop to the airport as well. Especially Lenka was very kind to us and helped us during our stay. Thank you! :)”

    Booking.com     10/10

  • pohodlné po všech stránkách

    Josef, ČR — 20.11.2016

    Booking.com     9,5/10

  • Carolyn, USA — IX.2016

    Superb experience! The apartment is wonderful. It’s spacious, clean, and nicely decorated. The bed and couches are very comfortable. Cereal, milk, snacks, and coffee are provided, which is such a nice touch. Lenka was great to deal with, very clear and accommodating. Check in and check out were easy. I also really appreciated that the apartment is only used for guests and so wasn’t full of personal belongings. Overall, I found the place to be very comfortable and would definitely stay here again if I returned to Brno.

  • Stanislav, Rusko — 2.11.2016
    + “- Отличное месторасположение – недалеко от центра и вокзала, гипермаркет Теsco в 10 минутах. – Отношение цена/качество. Стоит своих денег более чем. – Просторная, комфортная квартира абсолютно со всем необходимым. Дом современный, подъезд чистый, лифт, тихо. Мюсли, чай, кофе и приветственный пакет молока уже в комплекте) – Хозяйка – Ленка очень открытая, дружелюбная, при заселении предоставляет детальную информация о достопримечательностях, кафе, ресторанах, транспорте и тд.”
    – Так быстро привыкаешь к квартире, что с трудом ее покидаешь)))
    Booking.com     10 / 10
  • 各方面都超级棒

    Wen, Čína — 16.10.2016

    “超大的房间,超大的浴室和卫生间,现代感十足,还有绿植。离车站距离适中又不会吵,住起来非常舒适。有电梯,大行李箱也没问题。浴室热水很足。厨房用具齐全,送牛奶和各种面包饼干,还有胶囊咖啡机!房东非常热心,介绍了房间还帮忙调试电视,之后用了15分钟很详细地推荐了布尔诺市内及周边的所有景点,餐厅,以及information centre里好脾气的工作人员……房东准备了两份中文简介,连床都是可以自由调节软硬的。邮件通畅,什么时候都能联系得到。无论是城市还是公寓都是非常理想的地方。”

    Booking.com     10 / 10

  • 편리하고 깨끗한 아파트먼트 호텔

    Sean, J. Korea — 11.10.2016

    전시회 목적으로 출장을 간 관계로 전시장과 멀지 않은 위치에 있어서 만족스러웠으며 아파트이기 때문에 편안한 숙박을 할 수 있었음. 무선인터넷도 매우 빨랐으며 마트가 근처에 있어 매우 편리했음.

    Hotels.com     5/5

  • Anne, Francie — 28.9.2016

    Propriétaire très gentille. J'avais un retard de train et donc une arrivée très tardive et elle m'a attendue et consacré tout de même du temps pour me montrer les coins à visiter pendant mon séjour et d'autres informations pratiques.

    Booking.com     9,2/10

  • Gary and Yulia, USA — 5.9.2016

    Best place we stayed so far. Thank you. You are wanderfull host!

  • Renu, Rakousko — 31.8.2016

    “Super zentrale Lage, bestens ausgestattet, Kaffee-Maschine inkl. Kapseln, Tee und sogar Milch im Kühlschrank zur freien Verfügung. Super Tips und Hilfe von Lenka. Wenn wir wieder mal nach Brünn kommen, gerne wieder in dieses Appartement!”

    Booking.com     10/10

  • Great place to stay if you are in Brno

    Graham, USA — 30.8.2016

    Our visit to Brno was enhanced by Lenka. She was accommodating, punctual, full of information and really nice as well. The apartment is spacious and well fitted out. Nothing negative at all.

    Hotels.com     5/5

  • Karen, VB — 28.8.2016
    + “Breakfast items provided at no extra cost. Lenka was extremely welcoming and helpful when we arrived.”
    No toaster or oven / grill.
    Booking.com     9,6/10
  • Anonymous, — VIII.2016
    “Lenka hat uns mit vielen guten Tipps versorgt. Das Appartement ist großzügig ausgestattet und bietet viel Platz.”
    Booking.com     10/10
  • sehr gute Unterkunft für einen Aufenthalt in Brünn

    Andreas, Německo — 14.8.2016

    “sehr gutes, komplett ausgestattetes und großes Appartment prima Betreuung, erstklassige Einweisung durch Lenka und umfassendes Informationsmaterial. Man fühlt sich sofort wie zuhause”

    Booking.com     10/10

  • Wendy, Kanada — 11.8.2016
    + “The apartment was large, quiet, well furnished, comfortable and the location was super It is close to the old town, the train station, the tram line, a mall with a supermarket, etc. The kitchen was well stocked with cooking items and even had some basic food items. Lenka, herself, was just wonderful and she knows the area well. Our train was delayed 3 hours, but she stayed up late to meet us at the apartment.”
    The bedroom does not have a door, which was an inconvenience since I am an early riser and the coffee machine woke my non-morning person husband. This did mean that we got up earlier to explore
    Booking.com     10/10
  • Helmut, Rakousko — 8.8.2016

    “Zentrale Lage, Sehr hilfsbereite Vermieterin, in 5 Minuten zu Fuß in der Altstadt, in der Wohnung war alles vorhanden was man für einen kurz aber auch längeren Aufenthalt benötigt. Die Vermieterin Fr.Lenka hat uns alle notwendigen Informationen über Brünn gegeben und uns die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten empfohlen.”

    Booking.com     10/10

  • Výjimečné ubytování v centru Brna

    Petr, ČR — 31.7.2016

    “Vše bylo skvělé – počínaje starostlivou ubytovatelkou – paní Lenkou, velmi vkusně zařízeným klimatizovaným apartmánem s balkonem, kde je vše, co může člověk na cestách potřebovat – od map a různých propagačních materiálů přes perfektně vybavený kuchyňský kout až po nadstandardní drobné občerstvení s možností uvaření vynikající kávy nespresso s mlékem.”

    Booking.com     10/10

  • Idealne miejsce do wypoczynku

    Sylwia, Polsko — 29.7.2016

    “Wspaniała obsługa, pokój i lokalizacja. Polecam w 100%:)”

    Booking.com     10/10

  • JIYOUNG LEE, J. Korea — 29.7.2016

    “You can take a rest like home. Spacious and clean and fully equipped kitchen. You can find almost what you need during trip.”

    Booking.com     10/10

  • We felt like at home!

    Andrej, Rusko — 25.7.2016
    + “Very helpful and responsive hostess. The apartment is just wonderful – spacious, clean, comfortable. Air conditioner is in the right place – in the sitting room. Powerful coffee machine and free coffee, milk and cereals.”
    Booking.com     10/10
  • Все было отлично!

    Ilya, Rusko — 24.7.2016

    “Все было отлично! Просторные современные апартаменты в новом доме. Хозяйка договаривается и встречает у подъезда, рассказывает массу интересных фактов о городе и снабжает картами и информацией. В апартаментах предусмотрено все, что может понадобится путешествующему (чай, кофе, молоко, шампуни, посуда и т.д.). Великолепный сервис! Спасибо, Ленка!”

    Booking.com     10/10

  • Great Apartment

    Graham, VB — 21.7.2016

    “Nice touches in the apartment like a coffee machine. Very quite and clean building. Well stocked kitchen. Lots of information about the area and Lenka was extremely helpful.”

    Booking.com     9,2/10

  • Great facilities and location

    Mark, USA — 5.7.2016

    This spacious apartment is in a recently renovated building on the edge of the main city area. Access to the main station, post office, trams, museums, shopping, restaurants and bars was all very easy. There is a large Tesco supermarket at the main station. The apartment itself was meticulously clean, has all modern facilities and a good kitchen area. The bed is very comfortable. Very fast WiFi was excellent. Lenka gave us a fabulous, well informed introduction to the apartment, the area and Brno in general. I would have no hesitation in staying at the apartment if we are ever in Brno again.

    Hotels.com     5/5

  • Super ubytovanie

    Martin, SK — 29.6.2016
    + “Boli sme velmi spokojni, citili sme sa vyborne, uvitaci personal super. Pani nam podala vela informacii o celom okoli, o prave prebiehajucich akciach v meste.Odporucame. Super ubytovanie.”
    Nenasli sme ziadne chyby.
    Booking.com     10/10
  • Anonymous, Španělsko — VI.2016

    Apartamento nuevo, limpio, muy cómodo y bien localizado. Buena relación calidad/precio.

    Booking.com     10/10

  • Great location, affordable and friendly manager!

    Joseph, USA — 21.6.2016
    + “Lenka (manager) was extremely friendly, informative and helpful. She provided us with wonderful site seeing information and city maps. She also went above and beyond by providing snacks and breakfast items in the apartment. Washing machine was very efficient and balcony added a wonderful space to enjoy good weather. Apartment is located within. A 5-10 minute walk to top city sites.”
    Everything was wonderful and well appointed.
    Booking.com     10/10
  • Great apartment in Brno

    Francesco, Rakousko — 14.6.2016

    “The owner is very kind, everything ok, The apartment is very cozy and comfortable. Perfect facilities, perfectly equipped.”

    Booking.com     9,6/10

  • Excellent Apartment, great service

    Wayne, Kanada — 13.6.2016

    My wife and I had orginally booked at the EEL apartments for 5 nights and use Brno as base for some day trips in the region, but it was such a great apartment and there was so much to see we decided to stay an additional 2 nights. The apartment is about a 6 min walk from the train station and about an 8 min walk from the city centre. Lenka was there to meet us when we arrived and gave us a run down on the apartment, it was great to get some washing done. It is a beautiful apartment, spotless, with all the appliances of a regular apartment, and a steal for the nightly price. Lenka is amazing, and provided us with day trip recommendations and the tram numbers we needed to take to certain sites, she also helped me for three hours on a Saturday morning with a medical issue at the local hospital as my guide and interpreter. I cannot say enough good things about this apartment or the manager, Lenka and My wife and I would definitely stay there again.

    Hotels.com     5/5

  • JER-MIN, Taiwan

    Lenka, 是一位友善、體貼、誠意、樂於助人的好女生。公寓乾淨明亮舒適、準備許多點心、有問必答讓人放心,應得10分。

    Booking.com   10/10

  • Parada!

    Zuzana, SK — 29.5.2016
    + “Super ochotna majitelka apartmanov, ktora nam este vysvetlila, co si mozme kde pozriet v Brne aj mimo. Apartman mal skvelu lokalitu a bol perfektne vybaveny. Ak pojdem do Brna urcite len sem!”
    nic, vsetko bolo perfektne
    Booking.com     10/10
  • Pavel, ČR — 13.5.2016

    “Velmi příjemná a ochotná pronajímatelka, káva, čaj, mléko a cereálie k snídani. Velmi příjemné prostředí.”

    Booking.com     9,6/10

  • Aleš, ČR — 7.5.2016
    + “Perfect location close by city center with parking possibility. Sympathic lady with a lot of advices where to go. Nice new furniture and a lot of space.”
    Booking.com     10/10
  • Efrom, Paris, Francie — 3.5.2016

    “Lenka was a very helpful host! Gave me some very useful tips prior to my arrival and when I got there. Apartment is very well located, within a few minutes of the city center and the bus station.”

    Booking.com     8,8/10

  • Brno super !!!

    Jaromír, ČR — 27.4.2016

    Skvělé ubytování v centru města.

    Hotels.com     5/5

  • Very nice stay in Bruno

    Zsolt, Maďarsko — 25.4.2016

    Lenka was a great host and the apartment worked well. We had everything we needed. The apartment is close walking distance to all attractions of the city. I hope we can return soon!

    Expedia     5/5

  • Almost excellent

    Anatolii, Ukrajina a Polsko — 24.4.2016
    + “Близькість до центру. Багато інформації, як і де провести час.”
    Велике ліжко, то два односпальних. Вигляд із вікна.
    Booking.com     9,2/10
    Lenka answer:
    Привіт Анатолій, Велике спасибі для вашої оцінки. Так, наші квартири оснащені двома дуже зручною, подвійний шар, який відповідно до потреб клієнтів, щоб відокремити або об’єднати за допомогою спеціальних затискачів. На жаль, вид з вікна, я не можу впливати, тому що земля не наша, фотоелектричні панелі вже “повз його розквіті сил.” приємного дня Ленка
  • Perfekt, sagt alles.

    Heinz, Německo — 19.4.2016

    “Besonders gastfreundlich und hilfsbereit. Es ist alles in bestem Zustand und sehr gut organisiert. Bis auf eine Kaffeekanne ist mehr vorhanden als erwartet. Als wäre man in seiner eigenen Wohnung.”

    Booking.com     9,6/10

  • Our highest reccomendation

    Tomas, — 8.4.2016

    Great stay and great host

    Hotels.com     5/5

  • Hands down the best apartment, value and quality in Brno.

    Csilla, USA — 24.2.2016

    Csilla, US — 24.2.2016

    “LOVED it. About a block from main shopping street, the heart of downtown, train/bus station and 8 min. walk to huge shopping mall. The apartment is incredibly comfortable and spacious. Even the bed mattress is perfect. Lenka is so so helpful, she even booked a ballet class for my toddler. She brought us Decaf coffee cups for posh coffee maker. She supplied cereal and even had milk ready as she knew we came with a child. The apartment is south facing, lots of sun, it was bright and warm even in the middle of winter. There is a speedy elevator to use for stroller/buggy. Nice balcony and amazing views from high above of an old building and newer ones in contrast. The building is new. Lenka really goes out of her way (more so than any high end hotel concierge) to accommodate your needs and questions. Lastly, back when I booked it and saw the really high rating I thought she hadn't been in business for very long. But seeing the quality of the space and her services, it really deserves a 10. Enjoy your stay!”

    Booking.com     10/10

  • Sara20, ČR — 23.2.2016

    “Vynikající poloha, pár minut pěšky od centra Brna. Vkusně zařízený apartmán, pohodlné matrace, kompletně zařízená kuchyň, včetně kávy, čajů a něčeho malého k zakousnutí. A úžasně ochotná paní majitelka Lenka.”

    Booking.com     9,6/10

  • Excellent all round

    CSFS, VB — 15.2.2016
    + “Spacious and very well equipped, Lenka was very kind, patient and caring. All good.”
    'Ubytování' is Czech for 'accommodation' – when we got to the bus stop and saw 'Ubytování 700yds' we thought that was our apartment!!
    Booking.com     9,2/10
  • 物超所值的住宿!

    Xuan, Čína — 17.1.2016


    Booking.com     9,2/10

  • Excellent accomodation with fantastic helpful manager

    pár, VB — 10.1.2016
    + “I cannot recommend the accomodation highly enough”
    Booking.com      10/10
  • Perfect

    Beth, Norsko — 11.11.2015

    “Lenka was fantastic and very helpful. She spent a lot of time wexplaining where to go and how to get there. A very lovely, warm person. The apt. was perfect. Highly recommend it.”

    Booking.com     10/10

  • Lagenicht zu toppen

    Anonymous, Německo — 6.11.2015

    +   Lage und Ausstattung

    –   Nö

    Super Lage, vollständig eingerichtete Wohnung ,alle elektr. Haushaltsgeräte vorhanden, geeignet für alle,

    Expedia      5/5

  • HSIN-YA, Čína — 2.11.2015


    Hotels.com     5/5

  • Sicily, Avemu, VB — 9.11.2015

    It was a good experience, I will come back again

    Booking.com     8,8/10

  • Чудный отдых в Брно

    Elena, Rusko — 26.10.2015
    + “Очень доброжелательная хозяйка. Все удобства продуманы до мелочей.Очень чисто и уютно.Приятно удивили запасы продуктов—чай,кофе,сахар,мюсли,выпечка к чаю и молоко в холодильнике—заметно,что Ленка готовилась к нашему приезду.”
    НЕ критично, но в качестве пожелания хотелось бы попросить хозяйку почистить чехлы дивана и кресла
    Booking.com     9,6/10
    Lenka answer:
    Елена, большое спасибо за красивые отзывы. Подключаемо, несколько раз в год мы заказать глубокую очистку диванов с профессиональными фирмами и регулярно поддерживать ее. К сожалению, некоторое пространство заседание уже не идеально чистой. Приятного дня Ленка
  • Stay here! You won´t regret it

    Jay, USA — 22.10.2015
    + “Pretty much everything. Other reviewers are spot-on. Lenka is an amazing host. Location was perfect. Wi-fi worked well.”
    I could hear some construction noise?(someone was hammering nearby) and the neighbors in the morning. Still, just a minor annoyance.
    Booking.com     10/10
    Lenka anwer:
    Hello Jay These days ancillary parcel is cleaned out. Please, accept my apologies Lenka
  • Anonymous, Italie — 15.10.2015

    Viaggio per svago per vedere oltre a Praga altre città della REp. Ceca. Oltre a Brno abbiamo visitato nei pressi Olomouc, Kromeriz e il campo Austerlitz, tutto molto interessante

    Expedia     5/5

  • Second stay in Brno

    Roger, London, VB — 15.10.2015
    + “Friendly welcome, with advice on things to see and do in Brno, and maps. Excellent facilities, including the basic supplies for breakfast, milk in the Fridge, and supplies of good coffee. Hoping to come again for the Christmas markets.”
    Not Lenka's fault, but we did happen to hit a week where prices were high because of a conference in Brno; this reduces our "value for money" score.
    Booking.com     9,6/10
  • ВСЕ очень ХОРОШО

    Надежда,, Ukrajina — 10.10.2015

    “Понравилось все.Близко к центру.Приветливая хозяйка,идеальная чистота. И мыла хватало(ха-ха-ха).Спасибо Ленка ,объязательно будем у вас останавливаться.”

    Booking.com     10/10

  • Perfektes Wohnen in Brno

    TST, — 24.9.2015

    Das Appartement ist verkehrstechnisch auch für ortsunkundige sehr gut zu erreichen . 5 min –bis ins Stadtzentrum, bis ins Messezentrum, zum Bahnhof und zu 2 Einkaufspassagen. wir wurden super freundlich empfangen, erhielten eine Einweisung über Standorte und Sehenswürdigkeiten es handelt sich um eine vollständig ausgerüstete Wohnung(zB. Waschmaschine ,Bügeleisen, Herd, Mikrowelle,Trockengestell etc

    Expedia     5/5

  • vynikající tip na ubytování v Brně

    Richard , ČR — 25.8.2015

    “Vynikající komunikace, čistota, vysvětlení k ubytování, doporučení kam zajít a jak se tam dostat…prostě nadstandard ubytování v kategorii apartmán! Děkujeme.”

    Booking.com     10/10

  • 얿은 주거 공간을 가진 편리한 아파트먼트

    jeongsim, J. Korea — 9.8.2015

    일반 주거건물에 있는 아파트이기때문에 미리 메일 확인을 하고 가야 함. 리셉션이 없기때문에 현관에서 누구를 호출해야할지 당황했다. 미리 메일로 도착시간을 알려 달라고 되어 있었으나 메일확인을 안해서 아파트 주인도 기다리고 있었다고 함. 면적도 넓고, 매우 친절하고 청결하고 시내 중심부와도 매우 가깝고 역 근처에 커다란 수퍼가 있어서 쉽게 음식물을 살 수 있어서 며칠이고 머물고 싶은 곳임.

    Hotels.com     4/5

  • Frans, Holandsko — 7.8.2015
    + “Alles was 100% mooie rustige ligging en ruim modern met alle faciliteiten aanwezig Vriendelijk eigenaar Alles better than expected”
    Booking.com     10/10
  • Odpocinek v centru mesta

    Lenka61, Rakousko — 25.6.2015

    “Perfektni vybaveni, utulnost,pohodli, blizkost centra,klimatizace,informacni material,mapy okoli, rychlost internetoveho spojeni,velmi mila a ochotna pani Lenka”

    Booking.com     9,6/10

  • A quick visit to Brno to visit the caves and wine region.

    Larry, East London (ZA) — 23.6.2015
    + “The apartment is spacious, clean, modern, and very well equipped…everything one could want. Then it is supplied with extras like coffee, milk, snacks which were not expected. Lenka was an excellent host at the check in by providing us with maps and explaining all in response to our questions. Definitely an owner-manager who cares about her business.”
    No bad experiences.
    Booking.com     10/10
  • A nice apartment close to the main railway station

    Kalevi, — 22.6.2015

    A very nice and quit hotel apartment with an excellent location almost in the center of Brno, only 5-6 minutes far from the main railway station. The apartment consisted of two quite big rooms and bathroom. The hotel had no breakfast room; you had to eat the breakfast in a cafe in the center or you could do it yourself (there was a good kitchen in the apartment). An excellent alternative for an independent traveller.

    Hotels.com    4/5

  • Could be even 10.0 rated place, just the bathroom lagging behind a bit as it is quite worn out.

    Stanislav, Bratislava, SK — 15.6.2015
    + “Lenka, the host, is super courteous. The location is ideal, close to the center as well as to the train station. Easy to find and easy to park /free/.”
    The apartment is very well maintained and very clean. Though you notice especially in the bathroom that the interior would need some refurbishment. It is very clean though. Do not expect anything like nice view from the window, for the price it is fair enough that you are just a nice walk up the hill from the vibrant city center.
    Booking.com     9,6/10
  • Skvělé – čisté, pohodlné, prostorné, prakticky zařízené

    Veronika, ČR — 4.6.2015

    “káva, čaj, mléko, sušenky a cereálie k dispozici k snídani”

    Booking.com     10/10

  • Anonymous, ČR — VI.2015

    “Skvělé ubytování blízko centra. Klid, čisto, vše bez problémů.”

    Booking.com     9,2/10

  • Lenka was a great host!

    Robert, Woodinville, USA — 23.5.2015

    “The apartment was spacious, with lots of comfortable seating, as well as a table for eating and writing. Coffee machine and capsules provided. Best of all, a washing machine with English instructions!”

    Booking.com     10/10

  • Perfect for a long, comfortable stay

    Anonymous, — V.2015

    “The apartment was located in easy walking distance from the train station and city center. It was comfortably furnished and had small snacks for breakfast, coffee and milk as well as soap and shampoo in the bathroom. Lenka was knowledgeable about the area and was extremely helpful when we ran into a small problem with the keys.”

    Booking.com     10/10

  • Great apartment

    Anonymous, — V.2015
    + “Lenka is superb. Very helpful. Bed is very comfortable. Apartment is nice and light and well appointed. Conveniently located. Great free wifi.”
    No proper shower, just a handheld attachment in the bath.
    Booking.com     9,6/10
  • i will come again

    Majed, Ardiyah, KW — 21.4.2015

    “super WIFI , clean, nice staff…et”

    Booking.com     9,6/10

  • Super Apartment

    Anonymous, — III.2015

    “Die Lage ist sehr zentral, Bahnhof und Zentrum sind in wenigen Minuten erreicht. Lenka hat sich sehr bemüht, uns den Aufenthalt angenehm zu gestalten, das Apartment ist sehr schön, sauber und geräumig. Toll für einen Stadtbesuch!”

    Booking.com     10/10

  • Brilliant apartment, modern,clean, convenient, quiet and very comfortable

    Janet, Dunblane, VB — 3.3.2015

    “Lenka was amazingly helpful, she sends an email to confirm your booking and also emails you with instructions before you arrive. She is accommodating and knowledgeable. The apartment has high speed wifi, is very quiet and is very close to the train, tram and bus station and all the sights of Brno. Couldn't recommend highly enough. We were delighted with our stay.”

    Booking.com     10/10

  • Super

    Marek, Slovensko — 10.12.2014

    “Owner does everything toward client. Friendly and extremly helpfull.”

    Booking.com     8,8/10

  • Best choice for accommodation in Brno – please read review for specifics

    Aeron, Slovensko — 1.12.2014

    “-The owner completely understands "hospitality", the industry and the word! -I travel extensively for business and EEL Ubytovani Brno covers all the bases: area to relax, area to work, full and spacious living area, fully stocked & spacious kitchen, iron/ironing board, hair dryer, desk, 2 single beds, TV, very high speed and reliable nonstop internet connection, numerous area maps, balcony, within 10 minute walk from main train station/Letmo shopping area…everything you need -Ideal for: business, solo, couple, family, ALL CATEGORIES -great location -great value and price”

    Booking.com     10/10

  • Perfect city centre location and the cleanest place I’ve ever stayed!

    Jonathan, Dublin, Irsko — 9.11.2014

    “Stayed for 8 days and had all the comforts of home. Good location, friendly owner and very well maintained. I can't recommend this apartment highly enough!”

    Booking.com     10/10

  • świetna lokalizacja, mieszkanie i wyposażenie

    Anonymous, Polsko — X.2014
    + “Wszystko nam się podobało: świetna lokalizacja, wyposażenie mieszkania, cena. Lenka jest bardzo pomocna, pomyślała o wszystkim. :)”
    Nieładny jest jedynie widok z okna na stare domy i zaniedbane podwórko.
  • Gabriela, ČR — 20.10.2014
    + “- velmi ochotná pani domáca, cítili sme sa ako doma, skvelá poloha, parkovanie priamo pred domom bez poplatku, čistota na 100%”
    -všetko bolo vynikajúce maximálna spokojnost
    Booking.com     10/10
  • Perfekt!

    Anonymous, — X.2014

    “Das Apartment ist wunderschön und groß, fußnah zur Altstadt und zu Einkaufsmöglichkeiten. Also Perfekt! Lenka war sehr bemüht und großzügig, wir konnten das Apartment am Abreisetag noch bis 14 Uhr nutzen.”

  • True hospitality, of a kind that is rarely seen

    Anonymous, Irsko — IX.2014

    “My 3 year old need urgent medical attention while we were in Brno, and not only did Lenka call on her family for advice about the best place for treatment, she also escorted us to the hospital, liased with admin staff and checked that we had an English-speaking doctor. She is a gem of a landlady – friendly, efficient, caring. This was our fifth stay in Brno, but the first accommodation that has ticked all the boxes for us: Top-notch service, Great location, Fast wifi, Quiet, Well equipped. We're so glad we found this place!”

    Booking.com     10/10

  • Olga, Moskva — 10.9.2014
    + “Очень приветливая хозяйка. Спасибо ей большое за гостеприимство и отзывчивость! Очень чисто, тихо, кухня с кофемашиной, в центре, рядом магазины и супермаркеты.”
    Все отлично!
    Booking.com     10/10
  • Da copiare !!

    Claudio, Francie — 26.8.2014
    + “Veramente TUTTO!! Disposto in lunghezza con una parete finestrata, appartamento molto luminoso, arredato con gusto, pulito ed un ottimo caffè.”
    Se devo usare 200 caratteri…. Unico neo, non c'è l'attacco per sostenere a parete il "telefono" della doccia (acqua con un'ottima pressione e molto calda e regolabile). Ma poi ….Manca la vasca idromassaggio e la lavastoviglie. Insomma (quasi) non ci sono difetti!!!!!! Bellissimo
    Booking.com   10/10
  • Great apartment

    Anonymous Hotels.com, — 12.6.2014

    Lovely big apartment. Lenka the manager was so helpful and friendly too. Would definitely stay again.

    Hotels.com   5/5

  • Excellent Apartment, great service

    Wayne, Kanada — 13.6.2016

    My wife and I had orginally booked at the EEL apartments for 5 nights and use Brno as base for some day trips in the region, but it was such a great apartment and there was so much to see we decided to stay an additional 2 nights. The apartment is about a 6 min walk from the train station and about an 8 min walk from the city centre. Lenka was there to meet us when we arrived and gave us a run down on the apartment, it was great to get some washing done. It is a beautiful apartment, spotless, with all the appliances of a regular apartment, and a steal for the nightly price. Lenka is amazing, and provided us with day trip recommendations and the tram numbers we needed to take to certain sites, she also helped me for three hours on a Saturday morning with a medical issue at the local hospital as my guide and interpreter. I cannot say enough good things about this apartment or the manager, Lenka and My wife and I would definitely stay there again.

    Hotels.com   5/5

  • Great facilities and location

    Mark, USA — 5.7.2016

    This spacious apartment is in a recently renovated building on the edge of the main city area. Access to the main station, post office, trams, museums, shopping, restaurants and bars was all very easy. There is a large Tesco supermarket at the main station. The apartment itself was meticulously clean, has all modern facilities and a good kitchen area. The bed is very comfortable. Very fast WiFi was excellent. Lenka gave us a fabulous, well informed introduction to the apartment, the area and Brno in general. I would have no hesitation in staying at the apartment if we are ever in Brno again.

    Hoetels.com   5/5

  • Our highest reccomendation

    Thomas, — 8.4.2016

    Great stay and great host

    Hotels.com   5/5

  • Very nice stay in Bruno

    Zsolt, Maďarsko — 25.4.2016

    Lenka was a great host and the apartment worked well. We had everything we needed. The apartment is close walking distance to all attractions of the city. I hope we can return soon!

    Expedia   5/5

  • Brno super !!!

    Jaromir, Prague — 27.4.2016

    Skvělé ubytování v centru města.

    Hotels.com   5/5
